News, Climate Communications News, Climate Communications

Sign the Don't Subsidise Pollution petition!

A new coalition of faith, climate and construction groups launched the Don’t Subsidise Pollution campaign last week, calling for an end to free carbon credits and introduction of a Carbon Border Mechanism to decarbonise Aotearoa’s emissions intensive industries like concrete, steel, and aluminium.

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News, Climate Communications News, Climate Communications

Celebrating the Season of Creation

At Synod last month we: “committed as a Diocese to uphold the safeguarding of all creation by encouraging all Mission Units to register as Eco Churches and inviting each Ministry Unit to complete the self-assessment for Eco Churches during 2023…”

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News, Climate Communications News, Climate Communications

Season of Creation

The Season of Creation is an opportunity to reflect on our relationship with creation, and to consider how God may be calling us further into our Anglican Communion’s fifth mark of mission: “To strive to safeguard the integrity of creation, and sustain and renew the life of the earth.”

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News, Climate Guest User News, Climate Guest User

Mission for Submissions makes it easy to have your say

Churches in our diocese are busy preparing to hold their Mission for Submissions service in the coming weeks, and some are going all out to theme their service around the important need for us to respond to climate change.

Our climate advocacy team has been busy creating resources, so even if some of us can't host a speaker, or would prefer not to hold the service in the 14th of March, we can all still take part.

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News, Climate Guest User News, Climate Guest User

Climate change: what can I do?

Climate change is a pressing global issue, but as we grapple for solutions that we can implement at a household or community level, the wero (challenge) can quickly overwhelm us. This year presents an important opportunity for us to answer that challenge, so we spoke to our Advocacy team to find out more.

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