Anglican Diocese of Wellington
Our Bishops
Most Reverend Justin Duckworth
Bishop of Wellington
Bishop Justin is married to Jenny and they have four adult children. Justin and Jenny live in intentional community in Whanganui, in the North of the diocese.
Originally from Stokes Valley, he became the 11th Bishop of Wellington in 2012. He has a background in youth work and ministry at the margins of society.
Together with Jenny, he founded the Urban Vision missional order and is happiest up a mountain. -
Rt Reverend Anashuya Fletcher
Assistant Bishop of Wellington
Ana is married to Rev Paul Fletcher and they have two children aged 8 and 4.
Since 2018, Ana and Paul have served as Co-Priest’s in Charge of St Peter’s, Gonville in the Parish of Whanganui.
Ana has worked in America and South Asia on anti-trafficking and anti-slavery law, was a former Intercultural Communities Enabler for NZCMS (still holding a similar role for our Diocese) and is co-founder and current Executive Assistant for Common Good Coffee.
Mission and Values
We are a Transformative Movement of Local Faith Communities
Values That Hold Us
Kaitiakitanga -
Our Discipleship Core
We are disciples who make disciples
Our Growth Areas
A Just Church
At Home in this Land
Intercultural Communities
Edge Communities
Parish Flourishing
Church Planting
Diocesan Justice Priorities
We are seeking to respond prophetically to New Zealand’s worsening housing crisis.
Watch our video here
Climate change
We are safeguarding all creation by actively reducing carbon emissions.
Watch our video here.
We are responding in compassionate and generous ways to the growing humanitarian crisis.
Watch our video here.
Find an Anglican Movement Representative
Rt Reverend Justin Duckworth
Bishop of WellingtonEmail: bishopsoffice@anglicanmovement.nz
Rt Reverend Anashuya Fletcher
Assistant Bishop of Wellington -
Ven. Julie Rokotakala
Co-Vicar General and Archdeacon for Governance021 118 3657
vicar@kapitianglican.org.nzVen. Canon Sue Fordyce
Archdeacon for Governance027 445 2213
sue.fordyce@xtra.co.nzVen. Martin Robinson
Archdeacon for Church Growth027 212 4200
mcradiohead62@gmail.comVen. Scottie Reeve
Archdeacon for Church Planting and Catch Network027 249 2627
scottie.reeve@gmail.comGendy Thomson
Archdeacon for Mission and Ministry027 250 9664
gendy@anglicanmovement.nz -
Paul Carey
Deacon for Administration027 422 5934
paul@anglicanmovement.nzBishops office, including Archdeacon for Mission and Ministry
David Cross
Communications Manager027 256 6315
dave@anglicanmovement.nzRev. Richard Apperley
Events Manager021 0200 7113
richard@anglicanmovement.nz -
Ben Pringle
Diocesan Manager027 3455 477
ben@anglicanmovement.nzElsie Joostens
Governance & Project Coordinator021 187 8122
elsie@anglicanmovement.nzZoē Jay
Administration Assistant04 472 1057
zoe@anglicanmovement.nzNickie George
Administration, Volunteer and Health & Safety Lead04 472 1057
nickie@anglicanmovement.nz -
Hazel Nugent
Insurance and Systems Officer027 264 0335
or hazel@anglicanmovement.nzDave Growcott
Diocesan Property Officer & Project Manager (Bedrock Housing)021 842 907
property@anglicanmovement.nzSisi Fountain
Property Manager021 0234 0357
sisi@anglicanmovement.nzNick Young
Bedrock Housing Manager
021 418 983
nick@anglicanmovement.nz -
Jesse Duckworth
Anglican Youth Movement028 405 4840
jessed@anglicanmovement.nzChildren and Families Co-ordinator
(CURRENTLY VACANT)Contact: Natalie Moreno
(Resource Assistant)
Anglican Movement
Diocese of Wellington
04 472 1057
18 Eccleston Hill, Thorndon, Wellington 6011
Office open from 9 am - 3 pm Monday to Thursday.