Ministry Standards and
Standards for Ministry
People who exercise ministry in the Wellington Diocese (ordained and lay) accept that they do not simply exercise a function or role. They also exercise a representative ministry and are expected to lead an exemplary way of life and observe appropriate standards of behaviour.
The Diocesan documents that set out those standards are:
The Code of Ethics that provides a statement of what both Church members and the general public may expect from those who hold a Bishop's Licence, and for others who minister under the authority of the Church in the Diocese of Wellington
The Code of Conduct that describes the standards of conduct expected from people who hold a Bishop's licence, and for others who minister under the authority of the Church in the Diocese of Wellington.
Where a person considers that someone who is exercising ministry may have fallen short of one or more of the standards set out in the Code of Ethics or the Code of Conduct, they can utilise the procedures set out below.
Reconciling our Differences
Jesus said: 'If another member of the church sins against you, go and point out the fault when the two of you are alone. If the member listens to you, you have regained that one. But if you are not listened to, take one or two others along with you, so that every word may be confirmed by the evidence of two or three witnesses. If the member refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church.' (Matthew 18:15-17)
St Paul wrote: 'As God's chosen ones, holy and beloved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience. Bear with one another and, if anyone has a complaint against another, forgive each other; just as the Lord has forgiven you, so you must also forgive. Above all, clothe yourselves with love...teach and admonish one another in all wisdom.' (Colossians 3:12-16)
The Anglican Diocese of Wellington is committed to offering Christian ministry throughout the Diocese that seeks always to glorify God and treats all people as being of infinite worth in the eyes of God.
We expect all ministers, trustees and office holders to set high standards of ethical behaviour and responsible decision-making, model this behaviour, and be accountable for upholding these standards.
We therefore recognise and accept that the constant need for repentance, and therefore reconciliation, will mark our lives together.
For this reason, we are committed to a robust and open process for complaints to be made and addressed within the Diocese and, wherever possible, to promote reconciliation between the people in the Diocese involved with the complaint.
If you feel that a minister, trustee or office holder has breached a standard, then (in line with scripture), you should follow these three steps:
Raise the matter with the minister, trustee or office holder (if you consider that can be done safely)
(If that does not resolve the matter) Raise the matter with a person to whom he or she reports or to whom they are accountable (this could be the Churchwardens, Priest in Charge, Vicar, or Bishop)
(If that does not resolve the matter) Raise the matter with the Bishop's Office.
If the matter is one that threatens your safety or the safety of others you should start by raising it with a person to whom the minister, trustee or office holder reports or is accountable.
Making a Complaint
Office bearers include priests, deacons, bishops, licensed lay ministers, trustees, wardens and Vestry Members.
If you wish to make a complaint about an office bearer in the Anglican Church (for example, a priest, deacon, bishop, licenced lay minister, trustee, etc) we encourage you to put it in writing and send it directly to the independent Registrar.
Write the complaint or ask someone to write it for you.
Send the complaint to the Independent Registrar:
Ministry Standards Registrar
C/- P O Box 87188
Auckland 1742
Church canons concerning complaints
In January 2021, the Anglican Church in Aotearoa New Zealand and Polynesia introduced a new set of canons (rules) that describe the standards expected of office bearers in the church along with the complaints process that makes such office bearers accountable. You can read these rules in full here: Title D Canons (scroll down once you get there).
The third Canon (Canon III of the Maintenance of Ministry Standards) describes the way that complaints are received, assessed, determined and made public. All complaints are sent to the Registrar who will determine what happens next. No complaints are to be vetted by any diocesan office bearer. That means that any representative of the church who receives a complaint, is obliged to forward that complaint directly to the Registrar.
Ministry Standards
What follows below is not intended as a detailed evaluation or description of the canonical process but is instead a simple summary. To understand the process in full you will need to take advice and/or read the Canons in full.
Ministry Standards Registrar & process
The Ministry Standards Registrar is appointed by the Ministry Standards Commission. This Registrar must be enrolled as a barrister or solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand and have at least 7 years' experience. The current Registrar is retired judge, Justice John Priestley.
The Registrar is responsible for completing the initial assessment of each complaint received. The Registrar will then decide whether the complaint should be dismissed or referred as either unsatisfactory conduct or misconduct.
Unsatisfactory Conduct
"a failure to observe Standards Required of Ministers which does not amount to misconduct"
Any complaint that is determined "unsatisfactory" will be referred back to the relevant licensing Bishop. (If the complaint concerns a bishop then the Registrar refers to the appropriate archbishop.) The bishop then has the following courses of conduct available:
(a) a process of reconciliation carried out in accordance with the principles of the relevant Tikanga;
(b) a full investigation into the complaint, following inquiry principles, after which the Licensing Bishop or, in the case of a Bishop, the Archbishop may admonish the respondent; and/or
(c) requiring the respondent to undertake further training or counselling.
"any intentional, significant or continuing departure from the Standards of Ministry set out in Canon I"
Any complaint that the Registrar considers to cross the threshold defined above will be described as 'misconduct' and referred for further investigation and a tribunal hearing. The complainant is not expected to prosecute his or her own case. Instead, the church appoints an advocate to prosecute on behalf of the complainant. This advocate must be a barrister or solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand and must have at least 7 years' experience. Likewise, respondents (the persons against whom the allegations are made) are not expected to defend themselves.
A tribunal will determine whether there is misconduct or not and make appropriate recommendations. Where there is no evidence of misconduct the complaint will be dismissed. If there is evidence of misconduct, then one of four recommendations will be made in the following order of seriousness:
Deprivation of Office
The chart below describes the process in broad terms. To understand the process in full, please refer to Title D, Canon III.