Discipleship takes place through our life with Jesus in relationship with others. The discipleship journey we take is formed in the connection and community with have with those around us
What groups are you in that you can be disciples and can disciple others?
The Kairos Circle
“The time has come. The kingdom of God is here. Repent and believe the Good news.”
Bishop Ellie takes us through the Kairos Circle, also called the Learning Circle, based on Chapter 6 of “Building a Discipling Culture” by Mike Breen and the 3dm team.
Here’s a bunch of books we’ve found helpful. Many of these are available to lend from the Anglican Centre or from online booksellers.
Here’s a selection of podcasts from a range of sources to spur you on the discipleship journey.
Disciple-Making Pathway
From a committed core of intentional missional discipleship flows the Disciple-Making Pathway, with these steps along the way...
A handy, non-exhaustive, selection for download.