Privacy Policy  

Anglican Diocese of Wellington 


1. Introduction 

1.1    The Anglican Diocese of Wellington (the “Diocese”) is committed to promoting and protecting the privacy of all individuals associated with its ministry in the Diocese, including Clergy, staff, volunteers, parishioners and donors. 

1.2    The policy seeks compliance with the Privacy Act 2020 and the Information Privacy Principles

2. Purpose 

2.1    The purpose of this policy is to maintain the privacy of individuals by meeting the Diocese’s obligations under the Privacy Act 2020. 

3. Privacy Policy 

3.1    The 13 Privacy Principles of the Privacy Act 2020 outline how to safely collect, store, use, disclose, access, amend, and destroy personal data, whether in New Zealand or when dealing with overseas organisations. 

3.2 The Diocese will meet its obligations under the Privacy Act to manage private information by: 

a. Maintaining and reviewing a Privacy Policy Appointing a Privacy Officer 

b. Providing Diocesan Privacy guidelines that outline how private information should be managed operationally in the Diocese 

c. Providing training to help clergy and employees meet their obligations under this policy 

d. Maintaining a Privacy Register that tracks instances of; 

  • Requests for access to personal data held by the Diocesan Office or Ministry Unit 

  • Requests for an amendment to personal information held by the Diocesan Office or Ministry Unit 

  • Data breaches and Notifiable Data Breaches 

4. Review 

4.1    This document will be reviewed every 3 years by the Privacy Officer. 

5. Reference Information 


If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact us by emailing