Prayer resources
The Lectionary | Te Maramataka
Year C - 2025 | Download
Lectionary.co.nz is a cut-down digital-friendly version of The Lectionary Te Maramataka.
It’s a simple tool that give you the days morning and evening readings from our lectionary that allows you to both read the readings and listen to them too.
A New Zealand Prayer Book | He Karakia Mihinare o Aotearoa
A New Zealand Prayer Book/He Karakia Mihinare o Aotearoa with Eucharists in six languages (Māori, English, Tongan, Fijian, Samoan and Hindi) as well as Sentences and Collects in Māori is now available.
Order your copies through the General Synod Office for $30 plus P&P. Email gensec@anglicanchurch.org.nz or phone 09 521 4439.
Tuia - prayer app
Tuia gathers people in prayer. Though we may be distant physically, we are one in prayer. Tui, tui, tuituia mātou.
Contemplative Prayer
Try an examen
An examen is a prayer practice from the Ignatian tradition. It’s a way to recognise the work of God active in your day to day life.
Praying scripture
Lectio Divina, or ‘divine reading’, is an ancient practice of reading, reflecting and responding in prayer on a passage of scripture.
Centering prayer
Centering prayer takes a holy word, or a phrase from scripture, and uses it as a meditative prayer exercise for drawing near to God in silence.
Spiritual Disciplines
(Disclaimer: some of these links are independent and the organisations that created them do not necessarily reflect the views of the Anglican Diocese of Wellington).