Season of Creation is Upon Us

Season of Creation begins this Sunday and it’s also Father’s Day. Coincidence, you say?

It’s a reminder, to talk with those nearest to us about how we might bless (and not hurt) God’s beautiful creation.

How has your whānau planned for Season of Creation?

How is your parish taking part in Season of Creation?

Tell us your stories and encourage one another towards love and good deeds.

Thanks to our friends at Strandz and Eco Church, there are some amazing resources to help support this special time of year.

What about Cleaning the Local Beach/River or Lake?

Lyall Bay Community Church run a monthly beach clean-up. Recently they talked to Strandz national Enabler, Dianne Langdon and the result is an amazing resource to help you get the most out of this small act of creation care.

The Beach Treasure Liturgy contains a service run sheet with activities, Bible stories, prayers, and more ideas.

Download it here.

Adapt it to suit your context and tell us how it goes.   

More resources can be found on the Season of Creation page on the Anglican Movement website.


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