Resurrection and Tree Planting
In this season of resurrection, we’re inviting you to celebrate new life through planting trees.
Karori Anglican Church members planting Kauri Trees on Great Barrier Island
The Diocese has been involved in a number of tree planting initiatives over the last ten years.
This year, Parishes and mission units are invited to partner with a local planting group on Saturday the 29th of April, or any available weekend from now until Thy Kingdom Come.
This is a wonderful opportunity to
Celebrate the new life and hope of Resurrection Sunday and Eastertide;
Be together in the outdoors;
Make a small but meaningful contribution to offsetting carbon emissions and ecological restoration;
Connect with your local community and witness to the fifth mark of mission; and
Join the Global Anglican Communion Forest
Bishop Justin renewed the call for us as a movement to continue the efforts we’ve made in this area.
We celebrate the Oroua Anglicans who partnered with Corrections, the regional Council and a local school and planted over 10 000 native trees on the Bartlett farm.
In Newlands, a partnership with the city Council and Corrections saw 5000 trees planted in five years.
And, Karori Anglicans continue to partner with the existing community group Kaka Karori Kaitiaki. They attend monthly environmental workdays and tree planting.
Stephen Sharp from Karori Anglicans says, “These projects provide missional opportunities in our Karori community, and leading out as a Parish to care for God’s creation here in Karori.”
Is there a champion in your mission unit who can coordinate and promote a planting picnic?