The Abbey 2024 Inspires Hope and Connection Among Youth Workers
The Abbey 2024, a national hui for youth workers and young adults within the Anglican community, concluded this weekend, leaving participants feeling inspired, hopeful, and energized for their work in local communities.
Children, Church and Canaries
What are the burning issues in Children’s Ministry today and what does it have to do with canaries? Come, listen, be heard, be hopeful.
Experience Imaginative Prayer Rev. Judith Wigglesworth
Rev. Judith Wigglesworth invites participants to experience a transformative way of praying with scripture in her upcoming workshop on imaginative prayer.
Kairos Training Day – Wellington Update
We regret to announce that, after careful consideration, the Kairos Training Day scheduled for Wellington on Sunday 8 September has been cancelled.
Season of Creation is Upon Us
The Beach Treasure Liturgy contains a service run sheet with activities, Bible stories, prayers, and more ideas.
We Mobilised for the Climate Crisis
Thanks to you, our Movement mobilized to raise our voice for an end to free carbon credits.
Anglican Missions Talk Misinformation
"These rumours are examples of misinformation – lies created and spread online by a small group of hate-motivated groups and individuals to a wide global audience, by making their lies look and sound like the truth."
The Wilderness as Preparation
As we consider our calling as a transformative movement of local faith communities, how are we forming ourselves as people with spiritual disciplines that help us thrive?
New St Luke’s playground sees increased community engagement
In late July, Bishop Justin joined the St Luke’s congregation to bless the recently completed Hall, Vicarage and Children’s Playground.
News from the Hogans
New Permits, New Support, New Challenges
We have had a busy few months with so much going on, and at such a fast pace it has been hard to take a moment to pause and reflect on it all.
Supporting Former Refugee Resettlement
Anglican Movement parishes continue the awesome mahi of setting up houses to resettle former refugees.
Meeting with Minister Shares Stories of Anglican Support
A recent meeting between Bishop Anashuya Fletcher and the Associate Minister of Immigration, Hon Casey Costello, was a wonderful opportunity to share the stories of newly arrived Kiwi’s and the support they’ve received by Anglican parishes and community groups.
Back to Back Hui Energize Growth in Parishes
Parish leaders walked away from the recent Leading your Church into Growth (LyCiG) hui with energy and focus to foster parish growth and community engagement.
Add Your Voice to the Don’t Subsidize Pollution Campaign
Here’s a great opportunity to make a real impact on reducing pollution in Aotearoa and speed up the transition to a greener economy.
Rise Up Camp - Mountain Tops and Miracles
Rise Up Camp was an extraordinary experience, where the young people truly took the reins.
Today is United Nations Day Against Trafficking in Persons.
This year, the theme is ‘Leave No Child Behind’, and is aimed at bringing into sight the plight of children entrapped into situations of exploitation. The global campaign urges accelerated action to end child trafficking.
Improving NZ Media Standards
Media Matters NZ seeks better standards for the News Media in New Zealand.
A New Season for Andy and Emily Spence
After nearly a decade serving with Anglican Youth Ministry Wellington, Andy Spence is stepping down to begin a new chapter as Co-Vicar (with Emily) at Peninsula Parish in Miramar.
St Mary’s Declare & Demonstrate Music Nights
If you wander down to St Mary’s Silverstream on the occasional Sunday evening you’re just as likely to the works of U2, Sinead O’Connor, Phillip Phillips, REM, Johnny Cash, Bon Jovi, Springsteen or Linkin Park as you are more traditional selections from the hymnal.
Mission to Seafarers Marks 125 Years of Vital Support
The Mission to Seafarers, one of Wellington's oldest charities, is celebrating its 125th anniversary this year.