Rise Up Camp - Mountain Tops and Miracles

Rise Up Camp was an extraordinary experience, where the young people truly took the reins.

The kaupapa of the camp emphasized youth leadership, with participants taking charge in all areas—from MCing and playing in the band to performing dance and drama, and even serving the camp through gardening. There was something for everyone to get involved in, and it was a joy to witness the next generation step up with remarkable courage and take their places.

Throughout the weekend, our rangatahi journeyed together in year groups, forging connections across youth groups with peers their age and competing in team challenges. The camp was enriched by thought-provoking speakers who inspired and challenged us.

Youth Leader Morgyn Jakobs spoke about the importance of carrying the lessons from our mountaintop experiences back down to everyday life, emphasizing that we can’t stay on the mountain forever. Andy Spence encouraged us to multiply our talents and to share the blessings we received at camp with others. Reverend Caleb Rowe shared about the goodness of God, reminding us that we are the best of His creations. Caleb also led us into a Holy Spirit-filled evening on Saturday, where many were deeply touched.

In a powerful moment, two of our rangatahi were anointed with ‘hot hands’ by the Spirit, and under Caleb’s guidance, they prayed for healing. We witnessed miraculous recoveries from bad knees, chronic stomach pains, asthma, and more.

On Sunday morning, we engaged in prophetic listening within our small groups. It was wonderful to see the young people lean into this exercise, and heartwarming to witness their reactions as they realized that God was speaking directly to them.

If you have a young person who missed this camp, encourage them to join us for the next one—we don't want them to miss out on this incredible experience!


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