News Guest User News Guest User

Online Alpha course a space of spiritual growth in lockdown

In a time where the rhythms of ordinary life had been emptied out, the national lockdown left space for those wanting to go on a deeper journey with God. Reverend Paul McIntosh of St Anne’s Northland-Wilton ran an online Alpha course for the duration of the lockdown period.

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News, Wellington / Porirua / Hutt, COVID-19 Guest User News, Wellington / Porirua / Hutt, COVID-19 Guest User

Mission to Seafarers’ call for funding heeded

The Ministry of Transport has now allocated $295,000 to help those stuck in New Zealand ports through the Mission to Seafarers' organisation. Reverend Lance Lukin dof Upper Hutt Parish is the Oceania Regional Director for the organisation, and he talked to Kim Hill on RNZ's Saturday Morning about the situation.

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News Guest User News Guest User

Mythbusting Mental Health

There have been some big myths about mental illness around for a long time. Many living with a mental health condition tell stories of stigma and discrimination from others, even in churches. So let’s learn what’s true and what’s not. When we know better, we can do better.

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Enough For All: How political parties will help New Zealanders to thrive

As Election Day nears, how might we use our voting privilege to love our neighbours? Are the policies and parties we support going to help or hinder those who are struggling to flourish? How might we, Christ's body, stand up for the last, the lost and the least in our democratic process?

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News Scottie Reeve News Scottie Reeve

Pain, Hope & Healing - Suzie’s Story

I first remember struggling with my mental health at the age of 9. I started a new school and found the experience difficult and lonely. My family had joined a spiritual movement, which I found confusing and difficult to understand. My self-esteem was low, and I frequently felt anxiety.

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COVID-19, Manawatū, News Guest User COVID-19, Manawatū, News Guest User

Generosity Flows at Feilding Fundraiser

The Feilding whānau gathered recently for a high tea event that served up more than just petit delicacies.  The parish would normally have held a fundraiser around this time of year, but instead chose to use it as an opportunity to give to others.  “This event was all about blessing others – so it ticked all our boxes!” said Rev. Sarah McMenamin, the Priest in Charge of the Oroua Parish.

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News Scottie Reeve News Scottie Reeve

Towards An End To Human Trafficking

July 30th is the United Nations Global Day Against Trafficking in Persons. Throughout the world people trafficking and labour exploitation is increasing with no country left untouched. Such abuse happens within communities, and it occurs in cities and rural areas too. In fact in all places where such criminal activity is occurring there will be a church nearby.

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News, Housing Scottie Reeve News, Housing Scottie Reeve

The Housing Crisis & Christian Responsibility

In light up the upcoming theological conversation, ‘Hovels, Havens & Homes’, being hosted at Ramsey House on Tuesday the 11th of August, Dr. Andrew Shepherd issues a challenge to all followers of Jesus to be a part of the solution to the housing crisis here in Aotearoa.

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Bishops, News Guest User Bishops, News Guest User

Bishops’ News: Dandelion Seeds

Last week my attention was caught by the logo of a local counsellor which had a large dandelion head being blown and its seeds being launched. “What a great image of the Church”, I thought, “coming to maturity and flowering so that by the wind of the Spirit, seeds of new life could be spread afar”

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News Scottie Reeve News Scottie Reeve

Mental Distress, Addiction, and Uninvited Guests

“The start of a mental illness or disorder can happen at any time in a person’s life. One way to think of mental distress is that it’s always an uninvited guest. No one wants depression or panic attacks, for example, to come on into their lives, stake a claim in their headspace, unpack, and settle in for a long stay!”

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News Scottie Reeve News Scottie Reeve

“How’s Your Heart?” - Mental Wellbeing

There’s been a lot more talk about mental health. Have you noticed? Even in our churches. New Zealand’s been experiencing a rising tide of mental distress and addiction. One in 6 adults will be diagnosed with a common mental disorder at some point in their lives, such as depression, anxiety, or bipolar…

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