Parish quiz victory for St Mark’s Carterton


St Mark’s Carterton has had booming success with a series of parish ‘pub’ quizzes, beginning during lockdown.

While they were confined to their homes, each Saturday evening parishioners of St Mark’s met together via Zoom to take part in a social quiz.

This became an in-person affair on August 25, when 60 people were served a hot two-course meal before competing in a robust round of quiz questions.

Parishioner and organiser Jack Ponting was thrilled with the turnout, which involved a mix of church-goers and members of the wider community.

“We filled the church hall and we ended up with so much laughter,” he said.

It was more hilarious than it was competitive according to Jack, and the rulings that were argued against were quashed by the host’s mantra that ‘the quizmaster is always right’.

Jack was inspired by the opportunity for the church to connect with the wider community, and hopes this idea feeds into more similar social events. 

“It gave [the community] the chance to come and see some of the fun we have in church,” he said.

By Tessa Guest


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