Bishops’ News: “A Time to Build Up”
Dear Whānau
We greet you in the name of Jesus; the one who makes all things new and the first-born of God’s new creation. As our season of Lent begins this week, we are reminded of the need to allow ourselves to be deeply moulded by the renewing work of the Holy Spirit so that Christ, who builds the church, may use us as he wills for his good purposes.
Diocesan events cancelled in response to Level 2 extension
Yesterday, the Prime Minister announced that the current Level 2 restrictions on mass gatherings will continue until at least Sunday the 6th of September. Ministry Leaders’ Family Camp is due to finish on that day, and would clearly breach the requirement to have no more than 100 people at an event. As a result, both Ministry Leaders’ Family Camp and the combined Top Up Training Event due to occur on the 5th of September are now cancelled.
Generosity Flows at Feilding Fundraiser
The Feilding whānau gathered recently for a high tea event that served up more than just petit delicacies. The parish would normally have held a fundraiser around this time of year, but instead chose to use it as an opportunity to give to others. “This event was all about blessing others – so it ticked all our boxes!” said Rev. Sarah McMenamin, the Priest in Charge of the Oroua Parish.