Church Online
A number of parishes are offering online options so feel free to join in with any of the services listed below if you are not in a position to attend a service.
Local live-stream services and prayer
Browse through the various services and prayer meetings offered online by churches from across our movement.
Sunday services
Morning prayer with St Matthew’s, Palmerston North on Zoom
Roseneath Parish Mass on Zoom (ID 546 227 7676)
Wellington Cathedral of St Paul Service on Zoom
St Peter’s on Willis, Wellington, Eucharist on Facebook
Silverstream Parish on Facebook
Greytown Parish Service, including prayer ministry, on church website
Tawa Parish, on the Tawa Parish website
Waikanae Parish St Luke’s service livestream on YouTube
Anglican Chinese Mission, Mandarin & Cantonese language service on Zoom
From 3pm Sunday
Kids’ church with St Luke’s Greytown for toddlers, then primary, then intermediate, then youth on the church website. Contact the church office for downloadable family activity packs in advance.
Weekday services
Morning and evening prayer
Monday - Saturday
Morning prayer (in English, Mandarin and Cantonese) with Anglican Chinese Mission on Zoom (Meeting ID 911 0608 8745) -
Morning prayer with Pauatahanui Parish on Facebook -
Morning prayer with Lower Hutt Parish on Zoom
(Meeting ID = 782 3267 4706, passcode is Lambchops) -
Monday - Saturday
Morning prayer with All Saints Hataitai via Zoom
(Meeting ID 820 985 1957, Password: 381489) -
Night prayer with St Mary’s Whitby on FacebookEvening prayer in English, Mandarin and Cantonese with Anglican Chinese Mission on Zoom
(Meeting ID 950 0754 0161)Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
Evening prayer with St Aidan’s & St George’s, Miramar Peninsula on ZoomMonday - Saturday
Diocesan evening prayers on Zoom
(Meeting ID: 211-936-7784, Password: prayers)
Diocesan evening prayer
9pm Monday – Saturday
Click here for the Zoom Link
Meeting ID: 211-936-7784
Password: prayers
(Join by phone: 04 886 0026 and enter the number 211 936 7784 followed by the # key - when asked to enter a participant ID.)
We use the evening devotions and night prayer liturgy from the Anglican Prayer Book which can be found here.
House church resources
We’ve got liturgy, training and other resources available to enable small house groups to gather during Level 1 or 2.
Children’s resources
Our friends at Strandz have compiled several great resources to help worship with children.
Bible Explore
Bible Explore is a national, inter-generational website with Lectionary-based worship resources for all ages.
Mental wellbeing resources
Lockdowns are taxing on all of us. Check out our library of mental health articles.
Coping with Lockdown:
Rev. Summer Benton
The Abbey is the Anglican Church’s national conference for youth leaders, and due to the August lockdown, the event was cancelled. Instead, Rev. Summer Benton, a trained counsellor and co-deacon in charge of our Hataitai-Kilbirnie parish, recorded a handy podcast to help us get through lockdown.