Anglican Church Whānau gather together throughout the lower half of Te Ika a Maui

Find local service times and contact details below.

Wellington City Parishes

  • ​A community church in the heart of Tawa.

    A congregation of all life stages, experiences and varying cultures. Our commonality? Jesus Christ.

    Service & Times

    8.00 am Prayerbook Service

    10.00 am Family Worship

    1 Lyndhurst Road, Tawa, Wellington 5028

    (04) 232 8448


  • Services

    10.00 am (1st Sunday, every second month)


    379 Makara Road, Makara, Wellington

  • Services

    Holy Communion Service – 9am

    Whanau Service – 10.30am

    Evensong Service – 6pm (1st Sunday of the month)



    Phone: 04 476 8978

    Address: 8 Fancourt Street, Karori

    Contact Hours:

    9:30 AM – 4:30 PM

    Monday – Tuesday & Thursday – Friday

  • Nau mai, haere mai. Welcome to St Michael's.

    We are a community of Jesus' disciples, known by the way we love each other and the people of Newlands-Paparārangi.

    We'd love to meet you.

    Sunday worship

    10 am Family Eucharist

    11:30 Tikanga Māori (4th Sundays)

    Parish Office

    196 Newlands Road


    Wellington 6037

    Phone: (04) 461 6111


  • We’re a small but vibrant church in Wellington’s suburb of Roseneath and one of the few Anglo-Catholic churches in New Zealand.

    Our services


    10 am - Sung Mass (with healing on second Sunday of month). This service is available on Zoom. Use meeting ID: 546 227 7676.

    Sunday School - Runs during 10am Mass (Available for years 1–6, except during school holidays).


    8 pm - Compline (on Zoom only). Email for Zoom link.


    6 pm - Holy Communion (said).



    P: 021 295 2150


    Parish office (c/o St Peter’s on Willis Street)

    P: 04 976 1835


    15 Maida Vale Road



  • A communion service is held at 5 p.m. on the second Sunday of each month.

    640 Ohariu Valley Road, Ohariu, Wellington


    Come join us

    Our Sunday services are at 8 am and 10 am and are held at St Aidan's, 91 Miramar Avenue. Children are welcome and we have an excellent program for them during our 10 a.m. service.


    Two main worship services happen at St Michael’s. Here we glimpse the beauty of the God revealed as Trinity, and are formed as followers of Christ.

    Our 9 a.m. service is a quiet, liturgical communion service, with a friendly trip to the cafe afterward. Some weeks, we sing hymns; others we don't.

    Our 10.30 a.m. service is vibrant and friendly, combining old and new forms in music, liturgy, and preaching. Sunday School classes begin in church before heading out for their own programme.


    Sunday Services

    There are two regular Sunday morning services at St Anne’s, 8 a.m. & 9:30 a.m.

    The 8 a.m. is a quiet Eucharist (Communion) that attracts a small, friendly congregation. This service is about 45 minutes in length.

    The 9.30 am is also a Eucharist with music and Children’s Church. A wide age range attends this service and we do our best to be sensitive to the needs of all. Children’s Church is held during this service, with the children rejoining the main congregation for communion. This service is usually about one hour in length, and it is followed by a fantastic morning tea in the parish hall.

    Family service. On the first Sunday of the month, there is a family service, which is a short (45 minutes) and interactive service for all ages. It includes communion.



    Sundays 10 am and 8 a.m. on the first Sunday of the month

    34 Pitt Street, Wadestown, Wellington 6012 (corner of Wadestown Road).


    Onslow Anglicans is the term we use to describe our faith community of St Barnabas, Khandallah, based in the Northern suburbs of Wellington.

    Sunday: Join us for our 10 a.m. service

    Physical address:

    35 Box Hill, Khandallah, Wellington


    Gathering together on a Sunday…

    If you are thinking of visiting us for the first time, have a peek at the +visit page for more information about what to expect.

    8:30 am - A special time to start the week, with a traditional eucharist, hymns, and a social coffee at Muffin Break after the morning tea!

    10 a.m. - Family Service - The 10 a.m. service is a vibrant time to worship and celebrate. During school terms we have kids’ and youth’ ministry running in the hall; perfect for the whole family to settle in and enjoy time together.

    5 pm - Evensong - 1st & 3rd Sundays

    5 pm - Holy Trinity - 2nd Sundays - Once a month, we gather in this heritage gem in Ohariu Valley.

  • Life at ACM involves worship, discipleship and fellowship, social activities and cultural activities. Please take your time looking around the site and learning about what we do together as a community.


    Holy Communion Service 中/英语圣餐敬拜 (双语堂)

    Our Holy Communion Service is once a month on the first Sunday of the month at 10:30 am.

    English Service 英语敬拜 (英文堂)

    This is an intergenerational service conducted in English that meets every week (except for the first Sunday of the month) at 9:30 am.

    30 Glenmore Street

    Northland, WELLINGTON 6012

    +64 (04) 478-8543


    8 am Said Eucharist

    10 am Choral Eucharist (Live Streamed)

    4 pm Choral Evensong


    8 am Morning Prayer

    5.15 pm Evening Prayer*


    We hold a Said Eucharist service every weekday at 12.15 pm. On Thursday this is Hakari Tapu, where the service is conducted in te reo Māori.


    Every Thursday at 5.30 pm during term time the Cathedral Choristers sing Choral Evensong, and on the third Thursday of each month, the Cathedral Children’s Choir joins the Choristers to sing Choral Night Prayer. This is a beautiful way to end your day.

    *This service replaces Evening Prayer

    Cnr Hill and Molesworth Streets

    PO Box 12-044

    Thorndon, Wellington

    +64 (0)4 472 0286


    We exist to be a local expression of God’s hope, to be a place of prayer over Wellington City, and to help foster belonging and connection in our neighbourhood. Our gathering is at the Brooklyn Community Centre 9.30 am on Sundays.


    Our services hold a blend of traditional Anglican liturgy and Eucharist, space for the movement of the holy spirit and interaction from the church community, preaching from the scriptures, and worship music from Aotearoa, the St Tom’s community, and other Christian traditions.

    Sunday services


    9:00 am • Newtown School Hall, Mein Street Newtown Wellington

    Everyone’s welcome for a hearty meal together, before the Family Worship Service.


    10:30 am • Newtown School Hall, Mein Street Newtown Wellington

    Relaxed times of gathering, using the liturgy to focus on Jesus with us.


    We are a church who are passionate about knowing God and sharing the love of Jesus in our community. We do this by sharing food, sharing our homes and serving the neighborhood.

    We meet 10am Sundays at 68 Freyberg St, Lyall Bay.


    We believe that gathering together in faith is an essential part of a healthy life and we encourage others to join us in this.

    Sunday 10 am (apart from Feb 12th @9am)

    Thursday 10.15 am (traditional)

    Weekdays 7.15 am Morning Prayer (Mondays and Fridays at church, Tue-Thu online)


    What do Gatherings look like?

    10:30am Whānau Service

    2nd and 4th Sundays - Central Gathering at 10:30 am (see below)

    1st and 3rd Sundays - Gathering in House Churches

    5th Sundays - We Go!

    For more information on our House Church network please email us here

    Every Sunday - 9 a.m. Traditional Communion in All Saints Hall

    Every Wednesday - 10 am Communion in All Saints Hall


    A Young Central-Wellington Church Community

    SUNDAY GATHERINGS - 5.30 PM - St Peter’s Anglican Church - Garden Room, Cnr Willis and Ghuznee Sts.


    A beacon of light in Te Aro, Wellington - Te Whanganui-a-Tara since 1847.

    Regular Services:

    Sun Eucharist 8:00am & 10:00am*

    Mon-Fri Morning Prayer 7:45 am*

    Mon-Fri Evening Prayer 6:30 pm (Blueprint)

    Wed Hākari Tapu Eucharist 12:15 pm*

    Fri Eucharist 12:15 pm

    Third Sunday of the month Taizé Service 7:00 pm*

    * Services live-streamed to our Facebook page.

Hutt Valley Parishes


    St Hilda's is a flourishing community in Upper Hutt. We are a community of people working, worshipping, and witnessing together - and would love to welcome you along to any of our services, groups or events.

    Sundays 9:30 am - Family Eucharist and Thursdays 10 am - Reflective Eucharist

    35 Cruickshank Road Clouston Park Upper Hutt

  • 9 am Sundays - Traditional Service

    10:30 am Sundays - Contemporary Service

    10 am Wednesdays - Holy Communion

    563 Fergusson Drive, Cnr. Fergusson Dr & Moonshine Rd. Trentham, Upper Hutt


    St Mary’s is a vibrant Anglican church in the heart of Silverstream, sharing the love of God with our local community and being part of the transformation of society, as God’s Kingdom comes near.

    Everyone is welcome to come along to our Sunday Services.

    You'll find us at 13 Terminus Street, Silverstream - the church on the hill.

  • We are a community of people seeking to follow Jesus together in Taitā, Pomare and Avalon.

    We meet together every week at 9.30am, with coffee + kai together after the service.


    We seek to love and share Christ with others in the heart of the Hutt, and in the Hutt’s western hills. We are a friendly and accepting community where people of many nationalities and styles of worship find a place.

    Our church programmes are geared to all ages, from pre-school to the elderly, and we have a strong ministry to children, youth and families, including a chaplaincy service to Chilton St James School.

    Godly play is offered at our 10 am Sunday service.

    Come with your children and explore faith through story and enhance their spiritual experience through wonder and play.


    8:00 am Eucharist

    10:00 am Family Eucharist includes children’s ministry and Godly play

    5:00 pm Evensong Second Sunday of the month; March, May-October

    Tuesday 12-1 pm

    Contemplative Prayer in the Chapel

    (last Tuesday of the month)

    Thursday 10:00 am

    Holy Communion Book of Common Prayer

    71 Woburn Road Lower Hutt

    04 569 6737


    Sunday 9 am
    Morning Prayer or Eucharist

    Morning Prayer on 1st/3rd/5th Sunday

    Eucharist on 2nd and 4th Sunday


    04 569 6737


    Office hours 10 am-12:30 pm


    71 Woburn Road, Lower Hutt

    PO Box 30254, Lower Hutt


    If you are new, visiting or regularly worship with us we welcome this opportunity for you to get to know us.

    All ages are welcome at St. Paul's as all generations have something to teach and offer the church.

    Know that you are loved and welcome.

    Our Regular Sunday Services:

    Holy Communion 8 am

    Holy Communion 10 am

    (​But on the Fourth Sunday of each month we have a combined Service at 9.00, and if there is a fifth Sunday in any month Shared Kai at 9.00 replaces our Service).


    76 Waiwhetu Rd





    04 566 2002

    The Parish Office is open weekdays except Wednesdays from 10 am - 2 pm


    This is a place where God meets everyone, and everyone is welcome!

    It doesn't matter how old you are, what country you're from, or what's going on in your life.

    We are from a range of ages, stages, and ethnicities.

    St D's is open to new ideas as we seek to serve Jesus together.


    We meet at St David's 1st, 3rd & 5th Sundays @ 9.30am

    2nd & 4th Sundays we meet in house churches

    Church Hall Bookings:


    3 Seddon St, Naenae Lower Hutt 5011

    We'd love to hear from you.

    Rev Sonya Lewthwaite - 022 240 7945

    ‍Rev John Crawshaw - 027 355 2073

  • St Alban’s Church is a church community with music-filled worship, opportunities for prayer and fellowship, a children and families outreach, and a commitment to being a blessing in our wider world and community.

    9:30 am Sunday

    San Antonio Church, 78A Oruoa Street, Eastbourne

    Parish Office

    Office hours – Wednesday 10:30 am - 12:30 pm and Thursday/Friday 10 am - 3 pm.

    04 562 6269

  • Holy Trinity is an Anglican Parish in the Diocese of Wellington. We serve the community of Wainuiomata.

    40 Wainuiomata Road Wainuiomata, New Zealand 5014

    +64 27 525 9122

  • St Augustine’s Anglican Church is a diverse family of disciples.

    We are learning to be more like Jesus, growing deeper in love for God, one another, and our neighbourhood. We have a broad range of ministries, including programmes for children and youth, providing breakfasts to the local school, and small group bible studies. We also do an amazing morning tea after our church services .

    Join us for worship

    Sunday 10:00 am

    12 Britannia Street


    Vicar Jethro Day 027-309-4298

Kāpiti / Horowhenua Parishes


    25 Mana Ave Porirua 5022

    Please note:
    Services are currently on pause. Consider attending St Anne's Te Whare Karakia, Mungavin Ave or St Christopher's Anglican Church, Main Road Tawa.


    St Alban’s
    4 Paekākāriki Hill Road, Pāuatahanui
    Sunday Service 11:00 am

    St Andrew's
    11 Steyne Avenue, Plimmerton
    Sunday 9:30 am
    Thursday 10:00 am


    Kia ora, Bula vinaka, Talofa lava, Mālō e lelei, Namaste, Kyaosopartaal, ​Hello and Welcome to this Church of Many Cultures

    Worship Hours

    Friday Noon [from 6 October '23]

    ​Sunday 10am


    027 944 4996




    Our Sunday service is a combination of a friendly, informal welcome with a contemporary Anglican service. We enjoy each other's company, sing, share together, pray, listen to scripture, laugh and minister to one another, finishing with morning tea. An excellent programme for children is provided.

    Sunday Service: 9.30 am at St Mary's

    69D Discovery Drive, Whitby, Porirua 5024

    04 234 7088

    PO Box 58 103, Whitby, Porirua 5245 ​

  • Sunday Services
    10 am Family Eucharist every Sunday but the fifth

    Fifth Sundays are usually a Parish Combined Congregation Service at 10 am, which moves around the churches. Please check the newsletter or with the Office (04 9047300) for details.

    Children’s activities are available at all Sunday morning services. Beach Rd


  • Sunday Morning services start at 8.00 am, 2nd Sunday of the month

    This is a traditional prayer book service with hymns. There is time for reflection and prayer.

  • Item description
  • Sunday Morning services start at 10.00 am

    This is a traditional prayer book service with a range of music. There is time for reflection and prayer.

    Our Godly Programme is a part of our time together on Sunday. Godly Play is designed with kids’ spirituality in mind. Our children will be taken into a sacred space for a time of storytelling, wondering and response.

    Physical address

    47 Te Rauparaha Street, Otaki

    Regular Sunday services at 10.00 am

    All services held at Hadfield Hall

    Get in touch 06 364 7099

  • Sunday Services

    8 am BCP Eucharist, First Sunday of each month

    9.30 am Family Eucharist every Sunday but the fifth Sunday

    330 Rosetta Rd

    ​Raumati Beach

  • Sunday Services
    8.30 am Eucharist (third Sunday uses the BCP liturgy)

    10 am Family Communion with Children’s Programme

    Both services are every Sunday except the fifth.

    Sunday Afternoon/Evening

    Choral evensong at St Mark’s

    5 pm, 2nd Sunday of the month

    Friday Midday Eucharist

    Every Friday at St Paul’s, 12 noon

    A short Eucharistic service.

    Parish Office

    1 Langdale Ave


    Phone: 04 904 7300


    ​Office hours: Tuesday-Friday 9am—12 noon

  • Waikanae Anglican is a group of congregations based in Waikanae, on the beautiful Kapiti Coast.

    We’re one parish, of three churches: St Luke’s in Waikanae, St Michael’s in Waikanae Beach and St Andrew’s in Reikorangi. We have four different congregations, all with their own worship style and sense of community. In many ways we are a community of communities.

    We are a church of all ages, and all life stages, from literally zero to ninety nine year old’s. We worship and express our faith in different ways, but are gathered together around ‘Being Disciples, and Making Disciples’; trying to follow Jesus Christ, and help others follow him too.


    10:00 am – St Luke’s, Waikanae


    Church Office, St Luke’s Church

    Cnr Elizabeth and Pehi Kupa Street, Waikanae, 5036

    Phone: (04) 904 3018


    Office Hours: 9am-12noon Wednesday & Thursday

  • We’re one parish, of three churches: St Luke’s in Waikanae, St Michael’s in Waikanae Beach and St Andrew’s in Reikorangi. We have four different congregations, all with their own worship style and sense of community. In many ways we are a community of communities.

    We are a church of all ages, and all life stages, from literally zero to ninety nine year old’s. We worship and express our faith in different ways, but are gathered together around ‘Being Disciples, and Making Disciples’; trying to follow Jesus Christ, and help others follow him too.


    9:15 am – St Andrew’s, Reikorangi

    Parish Office, Corner Elizabeth & Pehi Kupa Streets, Waikanae

    04 904 3018

    Wednesday and Thursday 9:00 am-12:00noon


    9:30 am – St Michael’s, Waikanae Beach

    We’re one parish, of three churches: St Luke’s in Waikanae, St Michael’s in Waikanae Beach, and St Andrew’s in Reikorangi. We have four different congregations, all with their own worship style and sense of community. In many ways, we are a community of communities.

    We are a church of all ages, and all life stages, from literally zero to ninety-nine year old’s. We worship and express our faith in different ways, but are gathered together around ‘Being Disciples, and Making Disciples’; trying to follow Jesus Christ, and help others follow him too.

    Parish Office, Corner Elizabeth & Pehi Kupa Streets, Waikanae

    04 904 3018

    Wednesday and Thursday 9:00am-12:00noon

  • Nau mai, haere mai ki

    Ngatiawa River Monastery

    A contemporary monastic community of prayer and hospitality.


    027 229 7171



    82 Terrace Road

    Akatarawa Valley

    Reikorangi 5391

  • Consecrated 1876

    53 Main Street, Foxton 4814

    Services: Every Sunday at 10 am

    Contact: 021 410512 or 021 08638872

    Op Shop: Saturday 9 am - 1 pm

    Christmas services:

    Christmas Eve   24 December 8 pm  

    Christmas Day 25 December 9 pm

  • Sunday Services

    Sunday Service at 9:30am

    Contact Rev. Joanna Harrington

    34 Stout Street,  Shannon

  • Tokomaru Road, Tokomaru

    Services are held on the 2nd Sunday of the month at 9:30 am.

Whanganui / Rangitikei / Ruapehu Parishes

  • 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month

    A traditional New Zealand Prayer Book Eucharist.

    A lovely rural setting followed by a local pub lunch.

    Contact: Rob Torr, 021 442 366648

    648 No. 2 Line, Matarawa, Whanganui East, Fordell 4572

  • Wednesdays: 10 am - A short Prayer Book Eucharist.

    Enjoy a pause in the middle of your week and fellowship at the local café after.

    Contact: Rev. Lee Tucker-Ramage, 0272387715

    81 Duncan Street, Whanganui East.

  • 11 am the second Sunday of the month.

    A traditional New Zealand Prayer Book Eucharist. A beautiful rural setting followed by lunch at a local café.

    Contact: Rev. Lee Tucker-Ramage, 027 2387715

    480 State Highway 4, Upokongaro 4575

  • Sunday Services

    10 am - A fun service for all ages. Worship band, extended teaching and children & youth programmes.

    4 pm - A traditional New Zealand Prayer Book Eucharistic Service with traditional hymns.

    7 pm - A space for extended sung worship, silence, intercession and the prophetic.

    Contact: Revs. Billy & Caleb Rowe, 020 456 0456 or Rev. Tony Gerritsen, 021 222 0161

    243 Wicksteed Street, Whanganui ​

  • 9:45 am Sundays.

    A traditional New Zealand Prayer Book Eucharist with organ.

    Contact: Jean Cherry, 06 344 14214

    1/39 Great North Road, St John’s Hill

  • 10 am Sundays

    A family-friendly service in a beautiful rural setting.

    Contact: Rev. Sue Little, 021 675 3708

    Western Line, Brunswick 4571

  • 5 pm Sundays

    A diverse whānau of Jesus followers. An informal service followed by bring and share kai at 6pm.

    Contact: Rev. Ana Fletcher, 021 036 2743

    71 Koromiko Road, Gonville

Wairarapa Parishes

  • Worship at St Andrew’s, Whareama, on the fourth Sunday of the month at 10 am.

  • Item description

Manawatū Parishes

  • We meet every Sunday at 10 am. 

    Corner of Milson Line and Purdie Place
    85 Milson Line, Milson
    Palmerston North, 4414

  • 229 Ruahine Street,
    Palmerston North
    Phone: (06) 358 5403

    Office Hours

    Tuesday to Friday
    9:00am to 12:00pm

  • The Parish Office is open Tuesday to Friday, 9 am – 12 noon.

    Sunday Worship with St. Matthew’s starts at 9 am Sunday Mornings.

    The Chapel: The St. Matthew’s Church Chapel is open to the community for prayer between 0900 – 12 noon Tuesday-Friday.

    109 College St, Awapuni, Palmerston North, NZ

    Phone 06 3552254

    • All Saints is located on The Square in central Palmerston North.

    • All our services are held in the community centre down the driveway.

    • There is parking at the back of the building.

    Sunday 10 am

    A service for all ages, including children’s church for preschoolers to Year 9.

    Led by  Andrew Carson

    Sunday 5 pm

    A traditional service, with reflective worship,  evening worship, with the choir ministering fortnightly.

    Led by Julia Budd

    Messy Church

    Held on the first Friday of each month

    Starts at 4:30 pm

    Led by Kim Duxfield

    Sunday 2 pm

    A service for people living with disabilities and those who care for them

    Held on the second Sunday of each month

    Led by Franco Vaccarino

    7 pm Service

    A time of relaxed fellowship worship and good kai.

    Led by Davis Sione

    Parish Office

    Tuesday - Friday, 9am - 2pm

    338 Church Street
    Palmerston North,

    Phone:06 358 2203

    • 9 am Sunday  Communion Service

    • 10 am Thursday Communion Service

    Corner of Featherston & Kingswood Streets, Palmerston North 4412

    • 9.30am worship

    2 Akers Road, Linton, Palmerston North 4474

  • Sunday Service: 10:30 am

    St Simon and St Jude's Anglican Church
    PO Box 285
    Manawatu 4865

    Phone : 0273557095

  • 1912 Pohangina Valley Road East,

    10am on second, fourth and fifth Sundays

  • 67 Cambridge Avenue, Ashhurst

    Service every Sunday 10am

    Coffee and Fellowship after the service

    (06) 326 8543



    10am • Wednesday
    Spoken communion service in hall

    9:30am  Sunday
    All ages service with music & communion

    Phone:   (06) 323 4026

    Parish office location: 16 Camden Street, Feilding
    Postal Address:  13 Camden Street, Feilding 4702, Manawatu

    Office hours are Tuesday - Friday 9.30 am - 12.00 pm. 

    ​St John's Church is open during this time for visitors or anyone wishing to come in to pray.


    10am • 1st Sunday of the month
    Communion service


    5pm during summer months, 4pm during winter months • 3rd Sunday of the month 
    Evening worship service

  • 1601 MAKINO ROAD, STANWAY 4779

    10:30am 2nd Sunday of the month
    Communion service


    5pm • 1st Sunday of the month (summer)
    4pm • 1st Sunday of the month (winter)
    Evening worship service​


    10:30am 3rd Sunday of the month
    Communion service


    4pm • April | September | December
    Special occasion services

  • 1 Kauwhata St, Himatangi Beach

  • Tokomaru Road, Tokomaru

    Services are held on the 2nd Sunday of the month at 9:30 am.