David Cross David Cross

SUNDAY 31 March 2024


Acts 10:34-43 or Isa 25:6-9;

1 Cor 15:1-11 or Acts 10:34-43;

John 20:1-18 or Mark 16:1-8

Easter Day – The Resurrection of Jesus Christ


Acts 10:34-43 or Isa 25:6-9;

1 Cor 15:1-11 or Acts 10:34-43;

John 20:1-18 or Mark 16:1-8


Let us pray for the church and for the world, giving thanks for God’s goodness.


God of life, today we hear news of Christ’s resurrection; believing is a gift

Like his friends and followers, we seek Jesus in places he has already left --

the empty tomb and heavy stone, the hillside where so many broke bread --

and find it hard to realise he stands near us, warm as breath, calling our name

Out of death and sin, love rises, unexpectedly

Christ ‘plays in ten thousand faces and in eyes not his’* --

all is not lost but changed.

May we recognise his voice, so we no longer cling to familiar grief**

but turn to see him in the small resurrections of our lives, the simplest joys


God of love, hear our prayer


God of all creation, there is so much trouble in the world, so much suffering

it is hard to hold it in one embrace and in our prayers.

We pray for the hope of peace in Ukraine, Gaza, Israel, Palestine and Africa

We pray for the sick and vulnerable, victims and oppressors

for a wounded world, in danger and in need of care

Help us to be present with someone burdened by uncertainty, illness or self-doubt

Let us ‘practice resurrection’*** till our whole lives become a prayer


God of love, hear our prayer


Gentle God, your love sustains all things, bears our pain, and brings new life

‘You are the house in whom we live,

the house in which we share the cup of peace,
the house of your body that was broken on the cross,
the house you have built for us beyond the stars ‘****               


We pray for this city and the countryside, for any and all in need

for all who worship you, O God, and everyone who longs for a home

We think of loved ones at Easter, held in our memories or with us now

We pray for Bishop Justin and Bishop-elect Anashuya and their families.

Let us pray too for Christians around the world being baptised at Easter

May we all know the far-flung grace of Christ and his saving love.


God of love, hear our prayer. Amen.


Sources: NRSV Bible; ANZPB; Episcopal BCP; *GM Hopkins; **J Morley; ***W Berry; ****J Baxter; NEB Starr

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David Cross David Cross

SUNDAY 24 March 2024

Liturgy of the Palms:

Mark 11:1-11 or John 12:12-16;
Collect: Lent 1. Liturgy of the Passion: *Isa 50:4-9a; Phil 2:5-11; Mark 14:1-15, 47 or 1-47;
Collect: Lent 2. Lectionary Year B, 2024; ANZPB Holy Week 533, Good Friday 29/3; Easter 31/3.

6th Sunday in Lent – Palm Sunday

Liturgy of the Palms:

*If no procession with palms these readings may be used instead of * following:

Mark 11:1-11 or John 12:12-16;

Collect: Lent 1. Liturgy of the Passion: *Isa 50:4-9a; Phil 2:5-11; Mark 14:1-15, 47 or 1-47;

Collect: Lent 2. Lectionary Year B, 2024; ANZPB Holy Week 533, Good Friday 29/3; Easter 31/3.

Let us pray for the church and for the world, giving thanks for God’s loving presence.

The time is hear; our burdens seem heavier this week. Faithful God, walk beside us so we are not alone. When we are bothered by trivial things, correct our steps; soothe our fears, lighten our load, draw us from stubborn ways and give us willing hearts. Remind us we walk with people you cherish in our daily lives; help us ‘stand with others who don’t get to choose’ what has befallen them. Teach us to care, honouring the Spirit, and following the steps of Jesus.

God in your mercy, hear our prayer.

May God’s word, active in the world, ‘be a lamp to our feet and light to our path this Holy Week. Lead us to acceptance and embrace. Reconciling God, this season of forgiveness and hope we pray for healing for broken relationships; for those that can be restored, show us how an enemy could become a friend. Teach us when and how – and if -- to say the word ‘Sorry’. We give thanks for friends who show us what is on our hearts’. Teach us compassion.

God in your mercy, hear our prayer.

O God, in a land called Holy, there is forever so much war and strife. We pray continually, deeply, for the people of Gaza, Israel, Iran and Iraq… empower your servants whatever their language or belief, to ‘mediate and reconcile’, to fill these lands with peace. Let us pray for Jerusalem… and for all regions devastated by violence: Palestine, Ukraine, Africa, and our own neighbourhoods and towns. We are thankful for places where peace has descended, and broken people have been restored. Let this be our pattern, too. Guide all who shape and direct policies and social services, that they may be strengthened to work for the common good and for the future of our children.

God in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We pray for the Diocese of Wellington, and all involved in tasks this Holy Week. May their talents and presence be acknowledged. We pray for the laity and clergy, especially +Justin and Ana+, as she awaits ordination to the episcopate. We pray for families and the lonely, the suffering and satisfied, the aged, dying and newly born, that God’s great love may envelop them wherever they are on their journeys. And may our whole lives become a prayer, “that every gesture raises the downtrodden, every sigh searches for your wisdom, and every silence opens us to following Jesus. Amen.


Sources: NRSV Bible; A NZ Prayer Book. Prayers throughout adapted from Samuel Wells, ‘Crafting Prayers for Public Worship’. NEB Starr, prayers.

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David Cross David Cross

SUNDAY 10 March 2024

The Fourth Sunday in Lent

Readings: Numbers 21:4-9; Ephesians 2:1-10; John 3:14-21

The Fourth Sunday in Lent

Readings: Numbers 21:4-9; Ephesians 2:1-10; John 3:14-21

Let us pray for the church and the world, giving thanks for God’s creation.

Gentle God, your light reveals what is hidden deep inside, and pierces our pain. Stay with us. Be with anyone in the grip of suffering or illness, known to us or unknown. Help us intervene in prayer and with simple kindness, so others may know your comfort and healing. In our fear of the darkness of the world and of our own lives* may we find the warmth of your love, your bright flame.

God in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Gracious God, you provide a sanctuary for our hearts with your love. We pray for all gathering in small churches and great cathedrals, and in the open air; wherever prayers are made. We continue to pray for victims of war and refugees, everywhere; we pray for peaceful change in regions devastated by conflicts in Ukraine, Gaza, Israel, and parts of Africa, and protection for aid agencies bringing supplies.

God in your mercy, hear our prayer.

As some prepare for baptism and confirmation this season, may we too find strength for the journey and a willingness to serve. In Wellington, we pray for Bishop Justin and Rev Ana Fletcher, our assistant bishop-elect, and others called to new roles. Bless your servants, O God, whatever their tasks. Bless those who come on weekdays, unnoticed, polishing pews and practicing songs. As we gather for bread and wine, biscuits and tea, your love bids us welcome. So may we give welcome by noticing a stranger and discovering how our lives are linked, the Spirit’s gift.

God in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Loving God, source of life, you see potential in everyone and plant hope in us. Help us support parents needing essentials for their children, and youth needing direction. We give thanks for all who sustain the fabric of our communities in small ways: a warm smile, a cuppa, an open door. We pray for the city mission, and all who do the difficult work of mending lives with wisdom and understanding. ‘Send us as light into a broken world, to love intentionally, to forgive frequently, and to walk gently upon this good earth’.** Amen.

Sources: NRSV Bible; NZ Prayer Book; *John Williamson, NZ Prayer Book 184; **Bishop Deon K. Johnson; John Pritchard, The Intercessions Handbook; Joy Cowley, Psalms for the Road; NEB Starr, prayers.

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David Cross David Cross

SUNDAY 17 March 2024

Fifth Sunday in Lent: Passion Sunday

Readings: Jer 31:31-34; Heb 5:5-10; John 12:20-33

Fifth Sunday in Lent: Passion Sunday

Readings: Jer 31:31-34; Heb 5:5-10; John 12:20-33

Let us pray for the church and the world. ‘Sir, we wish to see Jesus.’ John 12:21

O God who shakes heaven and earth, whom death could not contain***, we give thanks for the power of your word let loose in the world. We praise you for creation: arching skies, clouds and stars, swift-running streams and salt seas*. We give thanks for Aotearoa, its astonishing beauty and its people.

God of grace, hear our prayer.

We pray for all who work on land and sea, and those who use their skills to track shifting storms. We think of those who make decisions about our resources; may their judgments be considerate and just. We pray, too, for those affected by last year’s floods and storms, still living in makeshift situations, and not able to return home. We pray for ourselves and our neighbours, that our streets may be calm, arguments find resolution, and our children and elderly stay safe from harm. Remind us, O God, that the homeless and distressed are held by your sure and compassionate gaze. We pray for any who spend nights outside without shelter and little food. May we seek their good and not abandon them -- for in their faces, we may see Jesus. We pray for an end to war in Gaza, Palestine, Israel, Ukraine, Afghanistan, and the Congo. May we each find ways to hope and work for peace.

God of grace, hear our prayer.

We pray for Christians preparing for Holy Week, and the tableau of sacred stories we hear each year. May we be inspired anew by Christ’s redeeming love, and learn to share our sacred stories, too. We pray for this diocese, its parishioners and musicians, clergy and bishop, giving thanks for +Justin and the coming ordination of Rev Ana Fletcher as assistant bishop. Let us remember our friends and families, and all in need of God’s embrace.

‘Help us dear God, to live each day as blessing.

And to each one of us, may you heal from the things you don’t talk about.

May you find peace with the things you bottle inside.

May you forgive yourself for what you have done and failed to do.

May the Holy One surround and carry you

today and every day.’** Amen.

Sources: NRSV Bible; ANZPB; *Pat Robson, A Celtic Liturgy; ** Bishop Deon Johnson; ***Janet Morley, All Desires Known; NEB Starr, prayers.

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David Cross David Cross

SUNDAY 3 March 2024

SUNDAY 3 March 2024 - Third Sunday in Lent

Readings: Exodus 20:1-17; 1 Cor 1:18-25; John 2:13-22

Let us pray for the church and for the world, giving thanks for God’s goodness.

Third Sunday in Lent

Readings: Exodus 20:1-17; 1 Cor 1:18-25; John 2:13-22

Let us pray for the church and for the world, giving thanks for God’s goodness.

O God, most holy and beloved, 
our Companion, our Guide upon the way, 
tāku whetū mārama i te pō / our bright evening star.


This Lent, let us encourage one another and build up life in Jesus’ name. We pray for this diocese, its people and parishes; for those preparing for baptism and confirmation; and for those serving through leadership, especially Bishop Justin. We give thanks for the Rev Anashuya Fletcher, newly chosen to become assistant bishop, and we pray for her and her husband Paul and family at this transition time.

We think of others taking on new roles and work, and new opportunities. We pray for those looking for forgiveness, those misled by the false gods of this present age;

All who are hungry,** and all who seek God, more loving and real than they have known.


We have wounded your love. 
O God, heal us. 

We stumble in the darkness. 
Light of the world transfigure us.

We forget that we are your home. 
Spirit of God, dwell in us. [nzpb]


Send us, we pray, as the light into a broken world, to love intentionally, to forgive frequently, and to walk gently and clear-eyed upon this good earth.*

God of mercy, hear our prayer.

We pray for regions devastated by violence and war in Ukraine, Gaza, Israel, the Congo, and in our own neighbourhoods and towns. We give thanks for places restored and people who use their experiences, happy or sad, to help and encourage others. By simply acknowledging with a nod or kind word, may we show our faith, and make someone’s day. In this new school year, we pray for the children, that their learning and play may be nurturing, and their friendships sustaining. We pray for teachers in every field, for parents and their whānau. We pray for wise decisions in Aotearoa.


A Lenten Blessing:

May you heal, from the things you don’t talk about.

May you find peace, with the things you bottle inside.

May you forgive yourself,  for what you have done and failed to do.

May the Holy One surround and carry you today and every day.*


God of mercy, hear our prayer. Amen.


Sources: NRSV Bible; NZ Prayer Book; *Bishop Deon K. Johnson; **Prayers of the Church of England; NEB Starr, prayers.


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David Cross David Cross

SUNDAY 25 February 2024

SUNDAY 25 February 2024 Second Sunday in Lent

Readings: Gen 17:1-7, 15-16; Rom 4:13-25; Mark 8:31-38 OR Mark 9:2-9

Let us pray for the church and for the world, giving thanks for God’s goodness.

Second Sunday in Lent

Readings: Gen 17:1-7, 15-16; Rom 4:13-25; Mark 8:31-38 OR Mark 9:2-9

Let us pray for the church and for the world, giving thanks for God’s goodness.

Teach me, dear God, the way of your truth,
and I shall follow it to the end.

Give me understanding, and I shall keep your law,
I shall keep it with my whole heart.

Lead me in the path of your wisdom;
to do your will is my deepest desire.

Incline my heart to your love,
and not to envious greed.

Establish me in your promise,
be faithful to those who are in awe of you.

Take away from me the rejection that I fear,
for your justice is good.

See, my delight is in your commandment:
quicken me in the power of your word. (Psalm 119:33–40)


‘Eternal God, you bring hope out of emptiness

energy out of fear, new life out of grief and loss.

comfort all who have lost their homes

through persecution, war, exile, or deliberate destruction’ – or storms.

‘Give them security, a place to live, and neighbours they trust

to be, with them, a new sign of peace to the world’.*


God of love, hear our prayer.


We pray for an end to war in Gaza, Israel, Ukraine, Africa and Russia.

And we pray for those who carry the painful, difficult work of peace.

We pray for people seeking justice long overdue

and those with the power to grant it, and not withhold it.

Help us believe in your justice, mercy, and love.


God of love, hear our prayer.


We are grateful for our identity and history in Aotearoa.

We remember the work of the city mission and Common Grace.

We think of all joining in Lenten studies; may their gatherings be fruitful.

As the search concludes for an assistant bishop and colleague for Bishop Justin, we offer thanks for Rev Ana Fletcher, newly named to become Assistant Bishop, and pray for her, her husband Paul and their family. May they sense the deep grace of their ministry, and the blessing of our prayers.


Sources: NRSV Bible; NZ Prayer Book; *Janet Morley, All Desires Known 3rd ed., NEB Starr.

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David Cross David Cross

SUNDAY 18 February 2024

SUNDAY 18 February 2024

Readings: Gen 9:8-17; 1 Pet 3:18-22; Mark 1:9-15

Together We Pray

SUNDAY 18 February 2024, 1st Sunday in Lent 

Readings: Gen 9:8-17; 1 Pet 3:18-22; Mark 1:9-15 

 Let us pray for the whole creation, and for the church in the world.  


O God, out of love for humankind, you sent your Son Jesus.  
Touch our lives, and those we pray for with your healing love 
Strengthen us as we rise to face the joys and challenges of a new day 
Help us to break open our own isolation, the walls we build out of hurt or fear –  

Gentle God, shelter us in our need, embrace those in sorrow, sickness or any kind of trouble,  
and give courage and hope to those in distress; bless those who help and pray for them.  
Grant the Spirit’s peace to those who wait in darkness, not knowing what may come. 
Remind us you are the fire that burns within us: use us to light our patch of the world.    

God of love, 
Grant our prayer. 

We pray for the tremendous heartache of violence and tensions among nations. 
We pray for Ukraine, Gaza and Israel; and anywhere hatred and domination threaten lives.  
We pray for teachers as they begin another year, and those in medicine and social work.  
May we comfort those who find their burdens too much to carry, and give them relief, and rest.  
Through the grace of our words and actions may we lend a hand and walk with them.  

God of love, 
Grant our prayer.  

We give thanks for the stunning beauty of these islands. May we share our resources wisely, and confront those who would harm the earth, our home.
Give wisdom to those with authority among us, and to all leaders of the nations. Help us listen to the voices of our children calling.
Let us act, mindful of their inheritance, the land and seas, and in the knowledge that they are loved. In our own communities, help us to love and be loved. 

This Lent, let us be aware of essential things, for ‘All that is needed is here’* -- in our choices and the faith we live. May good come from our prayers.
We pray for Wellington, for our parishes and homes, for the creative spark that inspires and moves hearts.
We pray for Bishop Justin and his family, and for those whose task is to consider an assistant bishop for this diocese.  

God of love, 
Grant our prayer. 

Loving God, you have given us everything: bread, vine and Spirit; and the presence of your Son.  
May we live thankfully, joyously, a people of your own redeeming. Amen.  

Sources: NRSV Bible; Original prayers, NEB Starr, A New Zealand Prayer book, and a phrase from Wendell Berry* 

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David Cross David Cross

SUNDAY 11 February 2024

SUNDAY, 11 February 2024, 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Readings: 2 Kings 5:1-14; 1 Cor 9:24-27; Mark 1:40-45

Together We Pray

SUNDAY, 11 February 2024, 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time 

Readings: 2 Kings 5:1-14; 1 Cor 9:24-27; Mark 1:40-45 

Let us pray for the church and the world, giving thanks for God’s goodness 

O God, you send us over the earth to flourish; to make places of exile, a promise of home. May we celebrate our beginnings. Some of our stories reach back generations, and others have tender roots; many made this journey as exiles, refugees, tossed by uneasy winds, struggling to reach freedom’s shore. But we share a common story, and we meet it on the sidewalk, in church or the grocery store line. We find we’re no longer strangers but friends. We pray for cities, that all nations might dwell in peace; for Aotearoa and its people: for the lessons we have learned, and all that remains for us to do. We pray for families, for those rich with friends and those who live in poverty or alone. May we live not as spiritual exiles, but as followers of Jesus, whose life lives in us. 

God in your mercy 
hear our prayer. 

O God, your Son embodied compassion, and walked among the sick and abandoned, the children in their innocence, and those exiled from their communities by fear of their differences. Help us not to burden one another. Bring down that same healing love that calls doctors and nurses, artists and builders, childcare workers and teachers, farmers and landscapers; architects and healers of the soul. Help us create a fair and just society. With gratitude, we pray for all who care for others, and the earth. May they serve with kindness and integrity. We pray for +Justin our bishop, for discernment in naming a new assistant bishop, giving thanks for the willingness to serve. 

God in your mercy 
hear our prayer. 

“You who work by Christ’s side and share his great love, you who touch with his hands and feel with his heart, his blessing is yours, his joy to the end. Take it. Hold it. You are his friend.”* We pray for those helping the desperate and neglected, for the war-torn in unending danger; and for any whose work seems invisible, that they may be watched over, protected, safe. We pray for women in childbirth; may they welcome their child with joy; for parents grieving, that they may find resilience and hope. We pray for those nearing the end of their days, that their lives will reveal bright threads of love and meaningfulness, for no soul sinks below God’s horizon. Name us, heal us, gentle God; release us from our pain. Blaze in our hearts, you who are Love itself.  

God in your mercy 
hear our prayer. Amen. 

Sources: NZ Prayer Book; NRSV Bible; *G Kernewek, in P Robson, A Celtic Liturgy; J Morley, All Desires Known; J Pritchard, Intercessions Handbook; A Prayer Book for Australia; NEB Starr, prayers

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Communications Communications

Sunday 28 January

SUNDAY 28 January 2024, The Presentation of Jesus in the Temple / 4th Sunday of Epiphany 

Readings: for The Presentation: Malachi 3:1-4; Heb 2:14-18; Luke 2:22-40  

OR for 4 Epiphany: Deut 18:15-20; 1 Cor 8:1-13; Mark 1:21-28 

Let us pray for the church and for the world, giving thanks for God’s goodness. 

Together We Pray

SUNDAY 28 January 2024, The Presentation of Jesus in the Temple / 4th Sunday of Epiphany 

Readings: for The Presentation: Malachi 3:1-4; Heb 2:14-18; Luke 2:22-40  

OR for 4 Epiphany: Deut 18:15-20; 1 Cor 8:1-13; Mark 1:21-28 

Let us pray for the church and for the world, giving thanks for God’s goodness. 
God of life, we pray for places of trouble and distress 
For women and men caught in abuse or hardship, that help lifts them 
We pray for victims of natural and human disasters  
And those responding to their plight 
God of love, hear our prayer. 

We pray for people and wildlife living in places at risk 
For the seas , rivers and lands, our inheritance to pass on 
For all places needing sun or rain, comfort and peace 
God of love, hear our prayer. 

We pray for the faith to hold on, though the waters may rise  
For an awareness of beauty in simple things: 
A beautiful day, a friend’s return, a safe arrival… a moment of forgiveness 
We pray for the quiet after storms, for healing after illness  
For peace in places of conflict: Gaza, Palestine, Israel, the Congo, Ukraine  
So that the world and its children may know a gentler time   
God of love, hear our prayer. 

God of all, you came as a small child into the world’s turmoil and grace 
Be near, and dwell with us; hear our prayers for those struggling to believe  
We pray for our bishop, +Justin, and all who minister in our parishes, shops and city streets 
That we may serve one another,  and spread God’s light a little further  
‘Til darkness has no claim on our souls, and we become agents of His light. 
God of love, hear our prayer.  

Sources: NRSV Bible; NZ Prayer Book; NEB Starr, original prayers. 

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Communications Communications

Sunday 4 February

SUNDAY 4 February 2024, 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Readings: Isa 40:21-31; 1 Cor 9:16-23; Mark 1:29-39

Let us pray for the church and the world, giving thanks for God’s goodness.

Together We Pray

SUNDAY 4 February 2024, 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Readings: Isa 40:21-31; 1 Cor 9:16-23; Mark 1:29-39

Let us pray for the church and the world, giving thanks for God’s goodness.
Jesus Christ, we hear the stories in Mark, and seek you in our need --
at the hillside where you broke bread and the homes of friends.
Sometimes we fail to see you in the faces of others:
the gardener, the homeless man and his dog.
Help us to recognise your voice, your knowing glance  
here in front of us, ‘til we no longer cling to our familiar grief
but turn to face you, trusting in a sacrament of healing

God in your mercy, hear our prayer.

O God, you made the world in its beauty and its sorrows
You will not cast us off, even if we desert you
Hear our prayers for peace, for strength, for sheltering wings    
Grant hope to our whanau, to the human family, and children yet to be born 

God in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We pray for the safety of travelers, and for work that sustains
for people immobilised by uncertainty or self-doubt
for the young with fragile dreams unfolding
May we recognise your gentle voice, inspiring movement and change 

God in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Jesus our friend, ‘You are the house in whom we live,
The house in which we share the cup of peace,
the house of your body that was broken on the cross,
the house you have built for us beyond the stars’            JK Baxter nzpb
We are your dwelling place, so let us sing of your love  

God in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We pray for our bishop, +Justin, and for the laity, musicians, and clergy
For all who call Wellington their spiritual home -- and all who seek a home
We pray for people of faith and Christians everywhere –  that we may be friends.
Let us embody the far-flung grace of Christ and his saving love.  

God in your mercy, hear our prayer. Amen.

Sources: NRSV Bible, NZPB, J Morley, S Wells, J Pritchard, JK Baxter, NEB Starr

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Communications Communications

Monday 25 December, Christmas Day

CHRISTMAS DAY 25 December 2023 The Birth of Jesus Christ

Readings: Isa 9:2-7; Titus 2:11-14; Luke 2:1-14, (15-20) To be used at midnight or on Christmas day

Together We Pray

CHRISTMAS DAY 25 December 2023 The Birth of Jesus Christ

Readings: Isa 9:2-7; Titus 2:11-14; Luke 2:1-14, (15-20) To be used at midnight or on Christmas day

Prayers may be read by one speaker or second sentence may be bolded (as here) and said by the congregation: “God of darkness and silence, you have pierced the quiet of this moment by a great light, and the utterance of your Word in our flesh. May your word of compassion and reconciliation resound in us and through us.”

God of darkness and silence, you have pierced the quiet of this holy moment with the coming of your Son. May your word of compassion and reconciliation resound in us and through us.

In that holy night angels proclaimed the peace of your unconquered Sun of righteousness. Strengthen all who work for peace and justice.

On that day you came to us, a child cradled in a borrowed bed of straw as there was no room in the inn. Open our hearts to the needs of the homeless and the hungry.  

By night, shepherds and outcasts heard your good news. Give us grace to spread your gospel of joy and liberation to others, and receive good news too.

We rejoice at the coming of this time of re-creation, and give thanks for summer. Be with those who travel, enrich our rejoicing, and strengthen the bonds between us.

On this day as Christians throughout the world are celebrating Christ’s birth. Unite us in one family that we may shine with the one light that scatters all our darkness.

Your living Word leaped down, shedding light on all who dwell in darkness and the shadow of death. Give strength and peace to all who suffer in body, mind, or spirit and all who are alone.

In this holiest of days heaven and earth embrace and in your true child you give us power to be your children. Fulfil in your love all who have gone before us in the faith. May we, like them, remain faithful to the mystery of the Word made flesh and live in your eternal light.

Hear these prayers we bring to you and fulfil your purposes in us in the name of Jesus, your incarnate Word. Amen.

Sources: NRSV Bible; Christmas prayers from liturgy.co.nz by Bosco Peters (formerly acting dean, Christchurch cathedral), NZ Prayer Book, NEB Starr.

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Communications Communications

Sunday 24 December, Advent 4

SUNDAY 24 December 2023, Advent 4 – Christmas Eve

Readings: 2 Sam 7:1-11, 16; [for Ps: Luke 1:47-55, The Magnificat]; Rom 16:25-27; Luke 1:26-38

Let us pray for the church and for the world, giving thanks for God’s grace and goodness.

Together We Pray

SUNDAY 24 December 2023, Advent 4 – Christmas Eve

Readings: 2 Sam 7:1-11, 16; [for Ps: Luke 1:47-55, The Magnificat]; Rom 16:25-27; Luke 1:26-38

Let us pray for the church and for the world, giving thanks for God’s grace and goodness.

Son of God, light in the darkness, child of joy and peace, you come to mend our troubled world; to ‘straighten the winding ways of our hearts and smooth the paths made rough by sin.’* We pray for peace over the holy city of Bethlehem -- the longed-for peace the world can never give [NZPB]. With open hearts, we pray for peace to reign over violence: in Ukraine, Russia, Gaza, Israel; Syria, Congo, Ethiopia, Sudan, and many other places in Africa, Europe, and the Americas. We pray for those injured and needing rescue, and all coming to help and heal them. We pray for the shelter and safety of innocents.

Merciful God, hear our prayer.

Let us remember our cities, this Diocese and its beautiful towns, farms, animals, mountains, and streams. We pray for our Bishop, +Justin, and all who offer their gifts this season. May all who come inside our parishes find welcome with us; and may the hungry and lost be drawn to our love and gentleness. Love comes down at Christmas and is born in us anew. May our hearts stretch wider. Holy God, let us bring your light, your life to others – and remind us Christ’s love doesn’t live only here but in unexpected places and unlikely people, unbroken and true.

Merciful God, hear our prayer.

God of surprises, your angel Gabriel surprised a young woman and threw her whole world into doubt and uncertainty. And yet, Mary said yes to God. Be close to all whose routine faith is interrupted, especially by disaster or misfortune, violence or sudden uncertainty, or perhaps by something greater than they’d known. Help us become discerning and wise, protecting our children, showering them with love, meeting their needs, teaching them what we can. It is hard, with all our work and worry, to be parents. We pray mothers and fathers will be supported, and strong to guide their children, and that our elders find joy in little ones around them. May our lives and our stories find deeper meaning in the sacred story, retold every year, of God coming to be with us. We pray for families, friends, and every person who has no one they can truly call a friend.** But because you are here, God, and we are here, may our love in this fallen down world begin to heal it, one kind gesture, one smile, one piece of bread and blessed cup at a time.

Merciful God, hear our prayer.

Sources: NRSV Bible; NZ Prayer Book; *A Prayer Book for Australia; John Pritchard, Intercessions Handbook; **Samuel Wells, Crafting Prayers for Public Worship; NEB Starr, prayers.

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Communications Communications

Sunday 17 December, Advent 3

SUNDAY 17 December 2023, The Third Sunday of Advent

Readings: Isaiah 61:1-4, 8-11; [Luke 1:47-55]; 1 Thess 5:16-24; John 1:6-8, 19-28

Let us pray for people everywhere, that this season wraps the world in peace.

Together We Pray

SUNDAY 17 December 2023, The Third Sunday of Advent

Readings: Isaiah 61:1-4, 8-11; [Luke 1:47-55]; 1 Thess 5:16-24; John 1:6-8, 19-28

Let us pray for people everywhere, that this season wraps the world in peace.

We pray for the life of the church throughout the world, for those who believe, and those who seek to know you; those whose lives appear graced by love, and those who need encouragement or someone to listen. Let us make time for small moments of comfort and joy: a smile, a nod to a passerby. Guide us in the way of peace, and our hearts in understanding. We pray for the Anglican Communion and the Anglican Church in Aotearoa and here in Wellington; for our Bishop, +Justin and clergy, musicians, parishioners -- and any struggling with a grief that keeps them away. We give thanks for the work of the Mission and social agencies, caring for the least and the lost among us whom Jesus loved.

God of love, hear our prayer.

We pray for the needs of the world; for all who have no peace, but live in fear: Ukraine, Russia, Israel, Palestine, the Congo and everywhere there is violence and suffering; for refugees, those bound in slavery and prisoners. We pray for people experiencing flood or drought, heat or cold, needing agencies’ help. Bring our consciences to bear on the plight of the earth and its animals; enlighten scientists, politicians, and all who live close to and care for the land, we pray, and help us acknowledge the earth as a blessing to be protected and restored, while walking a city street, or wilderness trail, or beach this summer.

God of love, hear our prayer.

We pray for the well-being of our community, especially local schools at year’s end; for women giving birth in varied circumstances, alone or with a partner or friend. We pray for children who reflect the light and heart and very being of God, a precious gift. May the hope that has brought them into the world be greater than any uncertainties they may face. We pray for parents and grandparents, friends, and larger whanau, who need support and love. Comfort and heal all who suffer in body, mind, or spirit; give rest to the weary, and shield those immersed in newfound joy. May we be as little lights lighting up everyday life with a smile, a hug, an open door. And when our own candle is depleted, we pray ‘someone relight it from their lamp of kindness’* and send us out like sparks of love. 

Sources: NRSV Bible; NZ Prayer Book; Episcopal BCP; *Joy Cowley, Psalms for the Road; John Pritchard, Intercessions Handbook; NEB Starr, prayers.

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Communications Communications

Sunday 3 December, Advent 1

Readings: Isa 64:1-9; 1 Cor 1:3-9; Mark 13:24-37

Let us pray for the church and for the world, giving thanks for God’s goodness.

Together We Pray

Readings: Isa 64:1-9; 1 Cor 1:3-9; Mark 13:24-37

Let us pray for the church and for the world, giving thanks for God’s goodness.

God of hope, hear our prayer

Heavenly Father, you shake our world in its darkness with the promise of light. We like our ordinary lives. But today we start a new journey, past the deserts of old emotions and spent actions. We enter a new territory, a season of expectation and starlight. It is Advent. And the road is changing, something is stirring. A couple begin their journey to Bethlehem, and a mother gives birth to her child in a city far from home. We pray for all parents, children, and families of every kind. Help us witness to your love in our lives this holy season.

God of hope, hear our prayer

Today, we light a candle for hope. And we pray for the world: for an end to war in Ukraine, Israel and Palestine; for the hope of peace in villages torn apart, where relatives are grieving. In the midst of this brokenness, we pray for the wounded and lost, forgotten and hurt. May Christ be present to comfort to all who suffer. May help reach them in their need.

God of hope, hear our prayer

If we look up, we see the ceilings of many churches look like upside-down boats, like the fishing boats that held Jesus’ disciples. Our faith ebbs and flows; we sit in the stillness, waiting for the wind to catch our sails, for the Spirit to move us on. Spirit of God, shake us from our spiritual doldrums. Make us thirst for you! We pray for all who work on the land and seas, and for those whose task is gathering people together. We pray for our bishop, +Justin, and all preparing for Advent services: clergy, readers, speakers, musicians, choirs. Let us prepare our hearts for the coming of the Christ-child, gift and saviour to the world.

God of hope, hear our prayer

We give thanks for children and their wonder. May we wonder, too, at the ancient stories of God’s love come down to save humankind. We pray for a world at peace. With faith, may we see the way to a common destination, shared in bread and wine. We recite the story of God’s Son, born thousands of years ago in a faraway city, with its winding streets and fractured patchwork of religions. And so… We pray for all in need of a saviour. We pray for ourselves, and all who carry this sacred story in their hearts. Amen.

Sources: NZPB; NRSV Bible; Anne Lamott; Episcopal BCP; Janet Morley, All Desires Known; NEB Starr.

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Communications Communications

Sunday 26 November

SUNDAY 26 November 2023, Christ the King – 34th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Aotearoa Sunday

Readings: RCL Ordinary Time: Ezek 34:11-16, 20-24; Eph 1:15-23; Matt 25:31-46

Or Aotearoa Sunday FAS Deut 6:1-9; Col 1:3-14; Mark 4:26-34 (Sunday before Advent)

Together We Pray

SUNDAY 26 November 2023, Christ the King – 34th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Aotearoa Sunday

Readings: RCL Ordinary Time: Ezek 34:11-16, 20-24; Eph 1:15-23; Matt 25:31-46

Or Aotearoa Sunday FAS Deut 6:1-9; Col 1:3-14; Mark 4:26-34 (Sunday before Advent)

O God, we live in turbulent times when many long for a just and peaceful world for each child born. As nations battle on, we pray there will be ways to create peace, hope, joy, and love, the imprint of your kingdom on earth. Remind us, dear God, that we carry others in our prayers each day, near and far. Make us aware of everyone’s need for air, food, water, and shelter, and the necessity of sharing, even a biscuit and a cup of tea.

Bless this diocese, its people and Bishop Justin. We pray for Wellington’s new Anglican missioner, Murray Edridge and staff -- and for each and every person who comes in need. Use our skills we pray, in listening and in healing. So may we recognise Christ himself at our doorstep. And we pray:

For the hungry and the overfed
May we have enough. 

For the mourners and the mockers
May we laugh together. 

For the victims and the oppressors
May we share power wisely. 

For the peacemakers and the warmongers
May clear truth and stern love lead us to harmony. 

For the silenced and the propagandists
May we speak our own words in truth. 

For the unemployed and the overworked
May our impress on the earth be kindly and creative. 

For the troubled and the sleek
May we live together as wounded healers. 

For the homeless and the cosseted
May our homes be simple, warm and welcoming. 

For the vibrant and the dying
May we all die to live. 

Sources: NRSV Bible; NZ Prayer Book, 162-63; NEB Starr, prayers.

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Sunday 19 November

SUNDAY, 19 November 2023, 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Readings: Judg 4:1-7; 1 Thess 5:1-11; Matt 25:14-30

Let us pray for the church and for the world, giving thanks for God’s goodness.

Together We Pray

SUNDAY, 19 November 2023, 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Readings: Judg 4:1-7; 1 Thess 5:1-11; Matt 25:14-30

Let us pray for the church and for the world, giving thanks for God’s goodness.

God our creator, it is your will to hold both heaven and earth in a single peace (nzpb). We pray for the world and its people, whom you have made one with the earth, to tend it and bring forth fruit* lasting generations. We pray for the sorrows of so many, and the anger that assaults communities and whole nations. We pray for the sick and suffering, that their prayers and their lives may rise to you. We pray for an end to war in Israel and Palestine, Ukraine, the Congo; for the protection of children and elderly, women and men caught in crossfire and those who bring aid. For soldiers who do not want to fight. Help us remember the roads Jesus walked, healer and friend, and the sacred routes pilgrims still take all over the earth, seeking you. O God, make us people of peace; in your mercy protect us.

God of love, hear our prayer.

Holy God, your word is light. Help us to take time to encourage one another. We pray for the diocese of Wellington, for our churches and our brothers and sisters in other faiths at this difficult time. We pray for our bishop +Justin and all church leaders, especially those to be ordained in a few weeks. May we serve with love, building up the body of Christ. So we remember those who have no home to go to, and those whose prayers we cannot know unless we meet them. Perhaps we might be an answer to someone’s prayer, dear God, a doorway to healing. Bless those whose task is to help others in recovery, and rekindle hope. May our prayers be more than words, and may the Spirit that moves all around us bring new possibilities to those in need, and fresh change.

God of love, hear our prayer.

Gentle God, you know our hearts before we speak, and our thoughts before we say. Many of us find it hard to believe we are so loved, and noticed by God. Yet let us accept that we are profoundly loved, and need never be afraid. Let us cease to be a cause of suffering to one another. Lead us from death to life, falsehood to truth, despair to hope, fear to trust, hate to love, and war to peace. Let peace fill our heart, our world, our universe. (nzpb)

God of love, hear our prayer. Amen.

Sources: NRSV Bible; NZ Prayer Book; *Janet Morley, All Desires Known; Episcopal BCP; NEB Starr.

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Communications Communications

Sunday 12 November

SUNDAY 12 November 2023, 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Readings: Josh 24:1-3a, 14-25; 1 Thess 4:13-18; Matt 25:1-13

Let us pray for the church and for the world, giving thanks for God’s goodness.

Together We Pray

SUNDAY 12 November 2023, 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Readings: Josh 24:1-3a, 14-25; 1 Thess 4:13-18; Matt 25:1-13

Let us pray for the church and for the world, giving thanks for God’s goodness.

O God, we pray for your church today, gathering around the world in tiny villages and great cathedrals, to hear your word and meet you in bread and wine. We pray for this diocese as its people worship, and any who walk by. Today we give thanks for the installation of a new dean at St Paul’s cathedral in Wellington: Katie Lawrence and her family. We give thanks for the network of people who link our lives in family and community life. Make us alert to others’ needs and quick to serve. We pray your Spirit to guide, inspire, and encourage. We pray for +Justin our bishop, and all who care for your flock in Jesus’ name.

God in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Loving God, we pray for our friends. So often we take for granted the gift of their presence in our lives, their ability to listen to our worries and watch over us; may we do the same for someone else and pass this gift along. We pray too for the friendless, that they may be befriended and feel cherished. Let us give thanks for the mission and places on our streets where refuge and healing are offered, and the work is never-ending. We think of all who work with people in distress and need, illness and suffering. We remember those who have left their mark on our lives with love and laughter. Hold all these in your heart, dear God.*

God in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Creator God, the earth is our home, and we are thankful for its beauty and abundance. We are saddened by its misuse that obscures its glory. The earth is darkened by violence, random and plotted, battles, and only fragile peace*. Dear God, make us agents of hope and light, forgiveness, and healing. The depth of need is overwhelming, and we pray for people suffering through war and disaster, and agencies tasked to help them. May we do one small thing to create a patch of light, and so build your kingdom in small ways: with a word and gesture, a decision to love. Keep our lives in the joy and simplicity of the gospel. 

God in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Sources: NRSV Bible; NZ Prayer Book; *John Pritchard, Intercessions Handbook; NEB Starr, prayers.

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Communications Communications

Sunday 5 November

SUNDAY 5 November 2023, 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time or All Saints’ Day (1 Nov)

Let us pray for the church and for the world, held by a loving God.

Together We Pray

SUNDAY 5 November 2023, 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time or All Saints’ Day (1 Nov)

Let us pray for the church and for the world, held by a loving God.

Matt 5:11

We bless you, who have spelt your blessings out,
And set this lovely lantern on a hill
Lightening darkness and dispelling doubt
By lifting for a little while the veil.
For longing is the veil of satisfaction
And grief the veil of future happiness
We glimpse beneath the veil of persecution
The coming kingdom’s overflowing bliss 

Oh make us pure of heart and help us see
Amongst the shadows and amidst the mourning
The promised Comforter, alive and free,
The kingdom coming and the Son returning,
That even in this pre-dawn dark we might
At once reveal and revel in your light.

Malcolm Guite

God of love, hear our prayer.

O God, creator of all, we pray for our world, so in need of healing, so entangled in war. We pray for peace in the eruption of violence in Gaza and Israel, and in Ukraine. For those mired in poverty and enslaved. We pray for all seeking freedom, and hope for their safety above the noise of storms. We pray for Aotearoa facing change, and for Wellington: that our parishes may be sanctuaries breathing God’s love. We pray for +Justin our bishop and all who minister here. Amidst own concerns, let us remember those who have no peace or consolation: they are our sisters and brothers. Let us be as Christ and have the grace to accept another’s blessing. Help us learn justice, dear God, and plant in us the desire for lifelong peace. Let us make love and mercy our task, too. So may the kingdom of heaven come upon the earth: fresh, green, flowing, unfailing, sure.

God of love, hear our prayer.

Sources: NRSV Bible; NZ Prayer Book; Malcolm Guite, ‘Beatitude’; Joy Cowley, Psalms for the Road; Richard Gillard, ‘Servant Song’; NEB Starr, prayers.

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Sunday 29 October

SUNDAY 29 October 2023, 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Readings: Deut 34:1-12; 1 Thess 2:1-8; Matt 22:34-46

Let us pray for the church, and for people of every faith; let us pray for peace.

Together We Pray

SUNDAY 29 October 2023, 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Readings: Deut 34:1-12; 1 Thess 2:1-8; Matt 22:34-46

Let us pray for the church, and for people of every faith; let us pray for peace.

Heavenly God, look down on our world, so full of danger and sorrow it is like a dark storm eclipsing our everyday joys. We pray for exiles and refugees, for people fleeing violence for peace and an end to hatred. We pray for the people of Israel and Gaza, and for Ukraine – for civilians and the young, entangled in wars they didn’t choose and cannot escape. We pray for all mothers, all parents, and families of every kind; for villages torn apart, and relatives grieving. We pray for victims of earthquake in Afghanistan; and for violence in our own land, and damaged relationships. In the midst of this brokenness, we pray for the wounded and lost, forgotten and hurt. May the presence of Christ console all who suffer, and bless them.

God of hope hear our prayer

Loving God, you have planted beauty and peace on these islands. We are so thankful. Remind us there are many who live a different reality: deprived of food, water or the chance to live. Let it be our task to share, to stretch our tents and include another; we think of all whose task it is to gather people together. We pray for our diocese and our bishop, +Justin. May we be like light on a dark day, and live not as spiritual exiles, but as followers of Jesus.

God of hope hear our prayer

Enlarge our hearts, dear God; give us courage to enter a new territory, a place of shalom and welcome, one smile or gesture at a time. We share threads of a common story, one God; many of us meet this on the sidewalk or the grocery store line. Ours is the story of God’s Son, born thousands of years ago in a faraway city, with its winding streets and fractured patchwork of religions. We pray for all in need of a saviour. We pray for ourselves.

God of hope hear our prayer

God of all gentleness, unsettle our ordinary prayers, reach into our silence. Change our lives by love, until we only make sense as a prayer to you.* Amen.

Sources: NZPB; NRSV Bible; *Stanley Hauerwas, Prayers Plainly Spoken; Anne Lamott, Almost Everything; Episcopal BCP; Janet Morley, All Desires Known; NEB Starr, prayers.

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Sunday 22 October

SUNDAY 22 October 2023, 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Readings: Exod 33:12-23; 1 Thess 1:1-10; Matt 22:15-22

Let us pray for the church and for the world, giving thanks for God’s goodness.

Together We Pray

SUNDAY 22 October 2023, 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Readings: Exod 33:12-23; 1 Thess 1:1-10; Matt 22:15-22

Let us pray for the church and for the world, giving thanks for God’s goodness.

God of life, we are grateful for our lives grounded in you, for the love of friends and the Spirit’s interruptions of our daily routine -- for its surprises. We give thanks for places to work and learn; for families, and the people we share our lives with; help us to remember they are a gift, as we can be to them. Week to week, at the store or pharmacy, we are reminded how tough it can be right now for families, the elderly, and those who are alone. We are a pattern of diverse and sacred people; help us mend things whenever we can, and make someone’s journey lighter.

God of love, hear our prayer.

We give thanks for the measure of peace we find in our own lives; may it spread to others. We pray for places of trouble and distress: conflicts in Ukraine, Afghanistan, the Middle East – and in our own streets and neighbourhoods. We pray for victims of disasters and those responding to their plight. God in your compassion, bless those who are dying, and any who are grieving or waiting for news.

God of love, hear our prayer.

All-seeing God, we pray for the earth, our home, and for human beings and animals in any danger. Here in Aotearoa and elsewhere, we pray for farmers and gardeners, and those who walk close to the land: for explorers, trampers, cyclists, and schoolchildren on their way home. May we notice such green beauty as the seasons turn. We pray for places needing food, shelter, and comfort.

God of love, hear our prayer.

Dear God, in this year of turbulent weather, help us hold on though waters may rise. Give us an awareness of beauty in simple things: a friend’s return, a safe arrival. Make us keen to help solve problems creatively. In your mercy, keep safe all who are on journeys, whether travelling or in their own souls. Remind us that it is Christ himself who walks alongside, casting his light, relieving our burdens and touching our wounds, showing love. We pray for the quiet after storms, healing after illness; for peace in places of conflict so that the world may know a gentler time. We pray for the words of Christ to dwell in us and be part of us. Here in Wellington, we pray for +Justin our bishop and all parishes; for those who bring biscuits and those tending to all in need. We pray for the work of the mission, and events that inspire our faith. May we serve one another spreading God’s light a little further, ‘til darkness has no claim on our souls and we become agents of Christ’s light.

God of love, hear our prayer.

Sources: NRSV Bible; NZ Prayer Book; NEB Starr, original prayers.

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