TD MSTN Session 1 Richard Apperley TD MSTN Session 1 Richard Apperley

Living the dream: children’s ministry

We all want to see the faith of our tamariki and families flourish, but we can get a bit lost along the way. An opportunity to reflect on your current engagement with children and families in your parish, dream about what it could look like in the future, and explore the many paths to get there.

Presenter: Kim Duxfield
Workshop room: Main hall

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TD MSTN Session 1 Richard Apperley TD MSTN Session 1 Richard Apperley

Being disciples together, an exploration of being the Body of Christ with people who have dementia

What does it mean to be with those who are different than who they once were? How do we love our wider church family members when they enter residential care ? In this workshop we will discuss a different lens to view our ideas of discipling those with dementia.

Presenter: Annabel Hawkes
Workshop room: Hub 3 classroom

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TD MSTN Session 1 David Cross TD MSTN Session 1 David Cross

Treaty Principles: a political and faith issue

The EfM (Education for Ministry) program teaches us to reflect from our faith perspectives on issues that are important in our daily lives. We have chosen the Treaty Principles as a current issue that we need to reflect on as people of the Gospel.  We recognise that this is a controversial topic. This is how we, as EfM, would wrestle with this issue –

join us as we have fun, and go deep, reflecting theologically about what God is calling us to as followers of Christ and citizens of Aotearoa.

Presenters: Judith and Roger Wigglesworth
Workshop room: Hub 4 classroom

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