SUNDAY 24 March 2024

6th Sunday in Lent – Palm Sunday

Liturgy of the Palms:

*If no procession with palms these readings may be used instead of * following:

Mark 11:1-11 or John 12:12-16;

Collect: Lent 1. Liturgy of the Passion: *Isa 50:4-9a; Phil 2:5-11; Mark 14:1-15, 47 or 1-47;

Collect: Lent 2. Lectionary Year B, 2024; ANZPB Holy Week 533, Good Friday 29/3; Easter 31/3.

Let us pray for the church and for the world, giving thanks for God’s loving presence.

The time is hear; our burdens seem heavier this week. Faithful God, walk beside us so we are not alone. When we are bothered by trivial things, correct our steps; soothe our fears, lighten our load, draw us from stubborn ways and give us willing hearts. Remind us we walk with people you cherish in our daily lives; help us ‘stand with others who don’t get to choose’ what has befallen them. Teach us to care, honouring the Spirit, and following the steps of Jesus.

God in your mercy, hear our prayer.

May God’s word, active in the world, ‘be a lamp to our feet and light to our path this Holy Week. Lead us to acceptance and embrace. Reconciling God, this season of forgiveness and hope we pray for healing for broken relationships; for those that can be restored, show us how an enemy could become a friend. Teach us when and how – and if -- to say the word ‘Sorry’. We give thanks for friends who show us what is on our hearts’. Teach us compassion.

God in your mercy, hear our prayer.

O God, in a land called Holy, there is forever so much war and strife. We pray continually, deeply, for the people of Gaza, Israel, Iran and Iraq… empower your servants whatever their language or belief, to ‘mediate and reconcile’, to fill these lands with peace. Let us pray for Jerusalem… and for all regions devastated by violence: Palestine, Ukraine, Africa, and our own neighbourhoods and towns. We are thankful for places where peace has descended, and broken people have been restored. Let this be our pattern, too. Guide all who shape and direct policies and social services, that they may be strengthened to work for the common good and for the future of our children.

God in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We pray for the Diocese of Wellington, and all involved in tasks this Holy Week. May their talents and presence be acknowledged. We pray for the laity and clergy, especially +Justin and Ana+, as she awaits ordination to the episcopate. We pray for families and the lonely, the suffering and satisfied, the aged, dying and newly born, that God’s great love may envelop them wherever they are on their journeys. And may our whole lives become a prayer, “that every gesture raises the downtrodden, every sigh searches for your wisdom, and every silence opens us to following Jesus. Amen.


Sources: NRSV Bible; A NZ Prayer Book. Prayers throughout adapted from Samuel Wells, ‘Crafting Prayers for Public Worship’. NEB Starr, prayers.


SUNDAY 31 March 2024


SUNDAY 10 March 2024