SUNDAY 10 March 2024

The Fourth Sunday in Lent

Readings: Numbers 21:4-9; Ephesians 2:1-10; John 3:14-21

Let us pray for the church and the world, giving thanks for God’s creation.

Gentle God, your light reveals what is hidden deep inside, and pierces our pain. Stay with us. Be with anyone in the grip of suffering or illness, known to us or unknown. Help us intervene in prayer and with simple kindness, so others may know your comfort and healing. In our fear of the darkness of the world and of our own lives* may we find the warmth of your love, your bright flame.

God in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Gracious God, you provide a sanctuary for our hearts with your love. We pray for all gathering in small churches and great cathedrals, and in the open air; wherever prayers are made. We continue to pray for victims of war and refugees, everywhere; we pray for peaceful change in regions devastated by conflicts in Ukraine, Gaza, Israel, and parts of Africa, and protection for aid agencies bringing supplies.

God in your mercy, hear our prayer.

As some prepare for baptism and confirmation this season, may we too find strength for the journey and a willingness to serve. In Wellington, we pray for Bishop Justin and Rev Ana Fletcher, our assistant bishop-elect, and others called to new roles. Bless your servants, O God, whatever their tasks. Bless those who come on weekdays, unnoticed, polishing pews and practicing songs. As we gather for bread and wine, biscuits and tea, your love bids us welcome. So may we give welcome by noticing a stranger and discovering how our lives are linked, the Spirit’s gift.

God in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Loving God, source of life, you see potential in everyone and plant hope in us. Help us support parents needing essentials for their children, and youth needing direction. We give thanks for all who sustain the fabric of our communities in small ways: a warm smile, a cuppa, an open door. We pray for the city mission, and all who do the difficult work of mending lives with wisdom and understanding. ‘Send us as light into a broken world, to love intentionally, to forgive frequently, and to walk gently upon this good earth’.** Amen.

Sources: NRSV Bible; NZ Prayer Book; *John Williamson, NZ Prayer Book 184; **Bishop Deon K. Johnson; John Pritchard, The Intercessions Handbook; Joy Cowley, Psalms for the Road; NEB Starr, prayers.


SUNDAY 24 March 2024


SUNDAY 17 March 2024