SUNDAY 31 March 2024

Easter Day – The Resurrection of Jesus Christ


Acts 10:34-43 or Isa 25:6-9;

1 Cor 15:1-11 or Acts 10:34-43;

John 20:1-18 or Mark 16:1-8


Let us pray for the church and for the world, giving thanks for God’s goodness.


God of life, today we hear news of Christ’s resurrection; believing is a gift

Like his friends and followers, we seek Jesus in places he has already left --

the empty tomb and heavy stone, the hillside where so many broke bread --

and find it hard to realise he stands near us, warm as breath, calling our name

Out of death and sin, love rises, unexpectedly

Christ ‘plays in ten thousand faces and in eyes not his’* --

all is not lost but changed.

May we recognise his voice, so we no longer cling to familiar grief**

but turn to see him in the small resurrections of our lives, the simplest joys


God of love, hear our prayer


God of all creation, there is so much trouble in the world, so much suffering

it is hard to hold it in one embrace and in our prayers.

We pray for the hope of peace in Ukraine, Gaza, Israel, Palestine and Africa

We pray for the sick and vulnerable, victims and oppressors

for a wounded world, in danger and in need of care

Help us to be present with someone burdened by uncertainty, illness or self-doubt

Let us ‘practice resurrection’*** till our whole lives become a prayer


God of love, hear our prayer


Gentle God, your love sustains all things, bears our pain, and brings new life

‘You are the house in whom we live,

the house in which we share the cup of peace,
the house of your body that was broken on the cross,
the house you have built for us beyond the stars ‘****               


We pray for this city and the countryside, for any and all in need

for all who worship you, O God, and everyone who longs for a home

We think of loved ones at Easter, held in our memories or with us now

We pray for Bishop Justin and Bishop-elect Anashuya and their families.

Let us pray too for Christians around the world being baptised at Easter

May we all know the far-flung grace of Christ and his saving love.


God of love, hear our prayer. Amen.


Sources: NRSV Bible; ANZPB; Episcopal BCP; *GM Hopkins; **J Morley; ***W Berry; ****J Baxter; NEB Starr


Sunday 12 May


SUNDAY 24 March 2024