Take 10 - with 10 others
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Taking 10 minutes a day, at 10 am or pm, for 10 days to rest in God and share our heart for God’s revelation in us and the world. Make it stand out
We are inviting you to join with us each day in prayer:
for 10 minutes,
at 10am or 10pm,
for 10 days.
As easy as 10 x 10 x 10!
Or simply, Take 10.
We know there is much in our world, our nation and our communities at present that brings anxiety. But we are a people who are reminded, as we read in Philippians 4:6-7 to ‘not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.’
How should we pray?
We would like to encourage each and every one of us to spent time intentionally entering into the peace of God’s presence and to dwell in the hope, peace and joy that are eternally found in God’s faithfulness and love and to pray for this love to fill ourselves and our world. This particular invitation is therefore not to spend time in heavy intercession, but rather to hand any spirit of anxiety and worry over to the God who sees us, loves us and whose plans and purposes are true and good.
We offer you this simple prayer to begin and end each of your daily times with God:
Great Loving One,
In Whom we all live and move;
Together we bring to You
ourselves and our world:
May Your love and light
surround us, bless us, heal us.
We are in Your hands.
Pray together, if you can do so safely within Covid-19 guidelines. Otherwise, just make the most of this opportunity to sit quietly in the presence of God.
In Christ,
+Justin and +Eleanor