Trusts David Cross Trusts David Cross

Wallis Trust

The Wallis Trust offers high value grants to strategically aligned organisations, over a three-year period. Applications for funding are by invitation only.                                

Retreat/Camps support. 
Retreatants for whom the fee to attend a retreat is a barrier for attendance, the Trust offers small grants, of 50% of the retreat cost ($200 maximum), for people who face financial barriers, in meeting the full cost of attending a retreat.  

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Our People Communications Our People Communications

AYM Leadership

Bishop Justin is pleased to announce a new shared leadership structure for Anglican Youth Movement (AYM) Wellington South. Andy Spence, Jesse and Jess Duckworth have been appointed and have started in this important role.

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Discernment for Ordination
Notices Communications Notices Communications

Discernment for Ordination

Please note the closing dates for Applications for Discernment for those seeking ordination in 2024.

Vocational Deacons (those seeking ordination as vocational deacons): closing date 1 July 2023.
Transitional Deacons (those seeking ordination as priests): closing date 1 November 2023.

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Our People Communications Our People Communications

Silverstream Parish Changes

Revs James and Julia Coleman have become Priests Associate at Silverstream and Co-Priests in Charge of the Exploratory Mission Venture "St Philip’s Revive". This is for a two year term commencing 1st Jan 2023.

Rev Kath Bier has been appointed Interim Priest in Charge in the Parish of Silverstream from 1st Jan 2023.

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Our People Communications Our People Communications

Moving On - Harry Newton

Harry Newton has resigned from his position as Vicar of Greytown Parish. His last Sunday will be Sunday 19 March 2023. Harry will be moving to Christchurch to take up the appointment of Vicar in Sumner-Redcliffs Parish.

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