Biblical Pilgrimage to Israel & Turkey

Join us on the pilgrimage of a life time to Biblical Israel and Turkey.

This spectacular 3 week journey includes Footsteps of Jesus, Footsteps of St Paul, Seven Churches of Revelation and tours of Gallipoli and Cappadocia. 

When: 2 – 26 September 2023
Hosted by: Chris & Susanne Donaldson

Chris is an Anglican priest, Chaplain for the Archer Group and a resource lectuer with the University of the Nations.

Over the last fifteen years Chris and Susanne have organised and led many groups through the Holy Lands of Israel and Turkey and have a wealth of cross cultural experience and expertise. As the hosts for this tour, Chris and Susanne bring a unique Biblical focus, including teaching, prayer and worship, which significantly complement a tour of these lands by Christians who are passionate about Biblical history and motivated by the Great Commission.

For more information contact or 027 853 3670.


Silverstream Parish Changes


Appointment - Rangitikei Parish