Opening the Doors at St Mary’s Silverstream
Not long after starting her role as Vicar at St Mary’s Silverstream, Rev Kath Bier felt God challenge her to open the doors of the church throughout the week.
Godly Administration Groups a Great Way to Disciple
The idea behind Godly Administration Discipleship Groups emerged over a number of years through Deacon for Administration Paul Carey’s own participation in discipleship groups.
Theology on Tap Meets a Need
Once a month, young adults loosely affiliated with St Peter's on Willis convene for 'Theology on Tap'.
Found at AYM Intermediate Camp
Over the weekend of 23-25 June, 120 intermediate ages rangatahi and their leaders gathered at Foxton Bible Camp for AYM’s annual Intermediate Camp.
Gather your team for Training Day!
Training Day’s equip to be a Movement on a mission. Gather a team and join us on that journey. Wellington: 5 August, Palmerston North: 12 August.
A Biblical Guide to Disaster Management
When it comes to dealing with disasters, we may not immediately turn to the Bible for practical advice. However, the story of Joseph offers valuable insights on how we can respond to these crises.
Anglican Studies - Doing Theology & Being Church
Last semester we offered papers on the Old Testament, Intergenerational Community and Sharing Sacraments. Now we are looking forward to Semester Two with Doing Theology and Being Church.
“Whoever welcomes you, welcomes me.”
As a Diocese we follow Jesus’ call to honour the lives of the last, the lost and the least.
AYM House Prays Through the Night
“Praying together, at unusual times, was super awesome,” says Anglican Youth Movement’s Alex Growcott.
28 Prompts to Connect with God
During June folk from Re-New Communities have been experiencing God through a 28-Day Journey.
Building Connections Through Noah’s Ark Playgroup
Pauatahanui Parish has seen its Noah’s Ark playgroup flourish since the covid lockdowns by providing a welcoming environment for families to participate.
AYM Stars Hold 40-Hour Challenge
Young leaders from AYM’s Stars ran an amazing 40-hour challenge in Palmerston North on the weekend.
You’ve Helped Raise $200,000!
Our coffee drinking has contributed to raising over $200,000 for Joyya; sparking good in places of extreme poverty and modern slavery.
Anglican Chinese Mission Embraces Messy Church
Rev Jimmy Luey from the Anglican Chinese Mission is celebrating the connection amongst a growing group of young families through the weekly Messy Church ministry.
Opportunity to support Movement friends in South Asia
Earlier this year, Anglican Movement friends Z and J*, and their young son, left Aotearoa and answered God’s call to serve in a new place.
Whanaungatanga in the Eastern Suburbs
What does it mean for us to practice and embed our values in our parish life?
AYM Houses Hui in Ohakune
Anglican Youth Movement Houses Hui happened over King’s Birthday Weekend in Ohakune.
Wellington City Mission Launches Te Pā Maru
Wellington City Mission continues its commitment to people in need with the establishment of Te Pā Maru.
Kia tae mai tou rangatiratanga
Across the Diocese, our movement joined in prayer for Thy Kingdom Come. We were creative and steadfast. Holding on to rhythms of earnest prayer in the early hours and late nights.