AYM Stars Hold 40-Hour Challenge

Young leaders from AYM’s Stars ran an amazing 40-hour challenge in Palmerston North on the weekend.

As part of World Vision’s 40-hour challenge, our northern Stars group completed five challenges to raise funds for water irrigation projects in Malawi.

Normally, groups complete one forty-hour challenge, with suggestions from World Vision of possible challenges.

However, Palmerston North Stars decided to:

  • Run/walk 40 kms

  • Only use 40 litres of water each

  • Go limited shelter and clothing for 40 hours

  • Go no tech for 40 hours

  • Eat only rice and fruit

Youth worker, Davis Sione, says, “Of all the challenges, going without tech was probably the hardest. However, halfway through the challenge, many youth had forgotten about their ‘need’ for devices.”

In the end, though, it was the physical challenges that reminded participants what daily life might be like for Malawi villagers.

“Realising just how much work might go into daily tasks when there’s little access to water and such basic infrastructure was a real eye-opener,” Davis said.

The Stars group developed four whys to explain their motivation for the challenge.

These were:

  1. To be grateful (for what we’ve been given),

  2. To be generous with what we have,

  3. To highlight people in our communities who go without, and

  4. To show young people still care”

“It really shows the energy and passion young people have to impact our world,” says Davis.

Friday and Saturday nights were filled with worship and talks.

Speakers told about God’s good gifts and challenged participants to decide where they stood to best receive these gifts.

Davis says, “Many were encouraged in hearing about Jesus who is the light of the world and lights their path.”

The whole event was such a success that interest has already been expressed to hold it again next year.

Well done team!


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