Ohakune Lodge Retreat gets a new name
It’s pretty safe to say that there isn’t a parish in the Wellington Diocese that hasn’t been impacted by the mahi of Chris Casey. In addition to all of this, Chris was pivotal in the transformation of the Ohakune Lodge Retreat situated next to St John’s parish in Ohakune.
Good Old-fashioned Fun
It’s good to have fun with our whānau! Here are just two examples that our movement whānau are great at having good old-fashioned fun.
Discipleship Pathways
Discipleship Pathway and Strandz have partnered to create a series of digital leadership training materials, sharing wisdom and ideas from some of Aotearoa New Zealand’s key children and families ministry voices. These training materials are not just for children and families ministry leaders, but are a great resource for parishes, vestries and those who cannot access the central diocesan resources in Wellington.
St John’s Church Johnsonville – A light on the hill for 175 Years
There has been an incredible celebration of 175 years of faithful mission and ministry at St John’s church in Johnsonville. The church was planted in 1847 to be a light on the hill to the community, and has since gone on to plant 9 other churches in the region.
Farewell Tama
We are sad to announce that Tama Bucknell will be leaving his role as AYM Coordinator at the end of this year. We took a moment to talk to Tama about his time with AYM.
Lemonade Stand for East Africa
While much of the world’s attention is focussed on the war in Ukraine a much larger tragedy is quietly playing out in the Horn of Africa. The current war in Ethiopia (thought to be the largest military conflict since WW2) is exasperating the already precarious food shortage in the region.
Running for Pakistan
On Saturday, Philippa Young and Pete Hull ran from Featherston down to All Saints Waiorongomai (approx. 22km) to raise funds for the Pakistan flood victims.
Bicultural Journey
Those of you who were at Synod will have had the opportunity to watch the series of two short videos exploring the bicultural history of our Diocese. As we continue to journey into what being God’s church in Aotearoa New Zealand means, we are encouraging everyone in out diocese to find time to watch these videos.
Subversive Mission - serving as Outsiders in a World of Need
The history of Christian mission has been fraught and problematic.
Well meaning missionaries have brought with them values and worldviews incomprehensible to the in culture to which they enter.
In his new book, Subversive Mission – Serving as Outsiders in a World of Need Craig Greenfield calls on his own experience of serving Jesus in Cambodia and points to ways for doing mission that uplift and support what God Spirit’s activity.
Celebrating the Season of Creation
At Synod last month we: “committed as a Diocese to uphold the safeguarding of all creation by encouraging all Mission Units to register as Eco Churches and inviting each Ministry Unit to complete the self-assessment for Eco Churches during 2023…”
Ministry Leaders’ Family Camp Highlights
How good it is to gather together as a family. Ministry leaders from all across the diocese spent the weekend at El Rancho soaking in worship, teaching and relationship with one another.
Ordination services are one of the highlights of the year, and we’ve learnt a lot over the last couple of years about how to celebrate well in this season.
Five years of Advocacy - the video
We’ve made a short video on the amazing work done by Anglican’s throughout the Diocese, on climate justice, housing and more.
Refugee Resettlement Champion
Phil McCarthy and Tawa Anglicans are the new Refugee Resettlement coordinators for our movement family.
Te Hāhi Porirua: churches together providing aroha and awhi
In an auditorium in Freedom Church, Cannons Creek, a crowd of people from five different churches across Porirua gather together in worship, prayer, food, and the shared commitment to work together as the commissioning of Te Hāhi Porirua is celebrated.
Bishop’s Charge - Synod 2022
I do want to just remind us of this, that the adoptive birthright of every follower of Jesus, is to live in the gift of joy and hope. It is not something we generate. It is a gift of God.
Blessing the City Mission - as they bless others
Bishop Justin blessed the work of the Wellington City Mission and celebrated how they continue to ‘kick goals’ for Wellingtonian’s needing a hand.
Eco Church - Synod Motion
Amy Ross of Eco Church Aotearoa presented the work of Eco Church and its enabling of churches around Aotearoa towards, environmental sustainability.