Becoming Intercultural Communities
Many of our mission units have a long history in our local communities. We know that our communities are increasingly diverse. This workshop focuses on how we, as individuals and the church, can engage effectively across difference so that everyone has the opportunity to find a place to belong and call home.
Presenter: Anashuya Fletcher
Workshop room: Library
Living the dream: children’s ministry
We all want to see the faith of our tamariki and families flourish, but we can get a bit lost along the way. An opportunity to reflect on your current engagement with children and families in your parish, dream about what it could look like in the future, and explore the many paths to get there.
Presenter: Kim Duxfield
Workshop room: Main hall
Māori and Jesus
This is a safe exploration and wondering about how God has connected with Māori before and after the arrival of non-Māori. We curiously play in some uncomfortable spaces of Māori beliefs, colonialism. We are experts only of our own experiences.
Presenter: Judy Kumeroa
Anglican liturgical worship - gathering around the table
Celebrating the Eucharist; What are we doing, how might we do it differently? This is for anyone who has the responsibility of leading a Eucharistic Celebration. (Whether you are consecrating or using pre-consecrated elements) We will try and answer How to, What to and When to questions.
Presenter: Wendy Scott
Workshop room: Main hall
Heart of hospitality
We see hospitality being deeply rooted in Jesus' ministry. In this workshop we will dig into the heart of hospitality, some of the biblical background, and practical ways we can show hospitality to people in different contexts. This workshop is tied to the Diocesan "root value" of manaakitanga (hospitality and generosity). The content of this workshop is relevant to hospitality shown across a range of contexts including church services, small groups, and hospitality in the home. All are welcome at this workshop - if you know a lot about manaakitanga and hospitality, or would like to learn more, this workshop is for you!
Presenter: Victoria Brown
Workshop room: Lower Lounge
Opportunities for mission in rest home and dementia care
This workshop is about walking the last stage of life’s journey with those who are in rest home and dementia care. How do we love our wider church family members when they enter residential care? What do they need and how can we help bring comfort, peace and spiritual support? How can parishes engage in this missional opportunity?
Presenter: Wendy Davidson
“Especially Prophecy”: non-freaky ways to step out for the average to nervous Mission Unit
St Paul challenges us to eagerly desire the spiritual gifts, especially prophecy (1 Cor 14:1). Tuning into God's voice brings incredible life in our mission units, but we can feel a bit unsure how to grow when it's not our norm. This practical workshop will explore a range of ways to introduce, and strengthen, prophetic listening in teams and Mission Units whether they are curious, unsure, or mildly allergic to things "prophetic".
Presenter: Mel McKenzie, Chaplaincy VUW and St Anne's Northland-Wilton
Treaty Principles: a political and faith issue
The EfM (Education for Ministry) program teaches us to reflect from our faith perspectives on issues that are important in our daily lives. We have chosen the Treaty Principles as a current issue that we need to reflect on as people of the Gospel. We recognise that this is a controversial topic. This is how we, as EfM, would wrestle with this issue –
join us as we have fun, and go deep, reflecting theologically about what God is calling us to as followers of Christ and citizens of Aotearoa.
Presenters: Judith and Roger Wigglesworth
Workshop room: Hub 4 classroom
Discerning Faithful Action as Tangata Tiriti
This workshop will share some of the experiences and learnings of St David’s in Naenae as they have grappled with what it means to be faithful followers of Jesus in the light of our history in this land.
Presenters: Alison Robinson & Hamish Dobbie