We are excited to announce our next Vestry Zoom Workshop on Tuesday 3 September 7.30-9 pm.
This workshop will be on the role of the Wardens as discipleship culture setters in our parishes. Please register below. Even if you are unsure you can make it, please register as all registered email addresses will receive a copy of the Zoom recording after the event.
Registration form link:
We want to open this workshop up to wardens, vestries and to ANY of your congregation who might wonder about the role of their wardens. This is a golden opportunity for you to extend invitations out to parish members to help them better understand the churchwardens’ roles.
The workshop will include:
presentations from Diocesan leadership and wardens
breakout rooms where you can meet other parish representatives and share your skills, stories and experiences.
time for individual reflection to ask what God is saying to you and how you are going to respond
N.B. Several vestries have been coming along as one whole vestry, which allows for great conversation about your own parish context during breakout sessions.
A quote from the feedback from our last workshop on crucial conversations:
'Just to let you both know that in the first break out session, our Vestry went into a crucial conversation about cultural change. It prompted the most authentic and honest conversation we've had to date'....'so thank you! What you are doing matters. And makes a real difference to us.'