Sunday 12 January 2025
Prayers inspired by original prayers, ‘Rau Angiangi’ - Waiora Te Moni, Bosco Peters, Luke 3:15-17,21-22
An approach, an acknowledgment.
Karanga te reo
Karanga te ngākau pēhi
Whakarongo mai ki a mātou,
e pōuri ana,
Titiro atawhai mai,
Whakaaturia mai ki a mātou
Tō mārama.
We cry out -
We cry out with a heavy heart -
Listen to those of us who weep for those who have passed.
Look upon us with kindness,
Reveal your light of understanding
Upon us.
[Bidding and response]
Loving God, thank you for revealing to us your way, your light.
For the Church.
Beloved God
We thank you for our church.
Thank you for our own baptism,
That makes us one.
Thank you for your gift of the Holy Spirit;
May we listen to Your spirit in our decision-making,
In our pastoral care for others,
In our worship and in our daily lives.
May we show forth your love in all that we do;
May we walk humbly with You,
May we keep close to you, O Lord.
Loving God, thank you for revealing to us your way, your light.
We pray for the world and for this place.
Beloved God
Your beloved son was born into a world torn by pain, war and injustice.
Today the world cries out still for justice and peace.
And so we pray, in this in-between time,
For impossible peace between bitter enemies
And reckless love,
And for all people who could help bring those things to pass.
Loving God, thank you for revealing to us your way, your light.
We pray for our communities and for our own needs.
At this season of Epiphany
Bless our communities,
our families,
and our disconnected ones.
Bless all who weep.
We lift to you our own needs
and the needs of others that we know about.
Whakarongo mai ki a mātou,
E koa ana,
Nāu, e te Karaiti, i hanga pai rawa ā,
Nāu i whakahoua anō
te mana o te tangata.
Meinga kia whakawhiwhia ai ano hoki mātou
ki aua mea o te tinana, o te ao wairua; tōna iriiringa.
Hear those of us
who rejoice;
Christ, who wonderfully created
and restored
The dignity of human nature;
May we share His humanity & His divine life, and His baptism.
We say these things
in the name of our Saviour
Jesus Christ.