Sunday 26 November

Together We Pray

SUNDAY 26 November 2023, Christ the King – 34th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Aotearoa Sunday

Readings: RCL Ordinary Time: Ezek 34:11-16, 20-24; Eph 1:15-23; Matt 25:31-46

Or Aotearoa Sunday FAS Deut 6:1-9; Col 1:3-14; Mark 4:26-34 (Sunday before Advent)

O God, we live in turbulent times when many long for a just and peaceful world for each child born. As nations battle on, we pray there will be ways to create peace, hope, joy, and love, the imprint of your kingdom on earth. Remind us, dear God, that we carry others in our prayers each day, near and far. Make us aware of everyone’s need for air, food, water, and shelter, and the necessity of sharing, even a biscuit and a cup of tea.

Bless this diocese, its people and Bishop Justin. We pray for Wellington’s new Anglican missioner, Murray Edridge and staff -- and for each and every person who comes in need. Use our skills we pray, in listening and in healing. So may we recognise Christ himself at our doorstep. And we pray:

For the hungry and the overfed
May we have enough. 

For the mourners and the mockers
May we laugh together. 

For the victims and the oppressors
May we share power wisely. 

For the peacemakers and the warmongers
May clear truth and stern love lead us to harmony. 

For the silenced and the propagandists
May we speak our own words in truth. 

For the unemployed and the overworked
May our impress on the earth be kindly and creative. 

For the troubled and the sleek
May we live together as wounded healers. 

For the homeless and the cosseted
May our homes be simple, warm and welcoming. 

For the vibrant and the dying
May we all die to live. 

Sources: NRSV Bible; NZ Prayer Book, 162-63; NEB Starr, prayers.


Sunday 3 December, Advent 1


Sunday 19 November