Sunday 22 October

Together We Pray

SUNDAY 22 October 2023, 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Readings: Exod 33:12-23; 1 Thess 1:1-10; Matt 22:15-22

Let us pray for the church and for the world, giving thanks for God’s goodness.

God of life, we are grateful for our lives grounded in you, for the love of friends and the Spirit’s interruptions of our daily routine -- for its surprises. We give thanks for places to work and learn; for families, and the people we share our lives with; help us to remember they are a gift, as we can be to them. Week to week, at the store or pharmacy, we are reminded how tough it can be right now for families, the elderly, and those who are alone. We are a pattern of diverse and sacred people; help us mend things whenever we can, and make someone’s journey lighter.

God of love, hear our prayer.

We give thanks for the measure of peace we find in our own lives; may it spread to others. We pray for places of trouble and distress: conflicts in Ukraine, Afghanistan, the Middle East – and in our own streets and neighbourhoods. We pray for victims of disasters and those responding to their plight. God in your compassion, bless those who are dying, and any who are grieving or waiting for news.

God of love, hear our prayer.

All-seeing God, we pray for the earth, our home, and for human beings and animals in any danger. Here in Aotearoa and elsewhere, we pray for farmers and gardeners, and those who walk close to the land: for explorers, trampers, cyclists, and schoolchildren on their way home. May we notice such green beauty as the seasons turn. We pray for places needing food, shelter, and comfort.

God of love, hear our prayer.

Dear God, in this year of turbulent weather, help us hold on though waters may rise. Give us an awareness of beauty in simple things: a friend’s return, a safe arrival. Make us keen to help solve problems creatively. In your mercy, keep safe all who are on journeys, whether travelling or in their own souls. Remind us that it is Christ himself who walks alongside, casting his light, relieving our burdens and touching our wounds, showing love. We pray for the quiet after storms, healing after illness; for peace in places of conflict so that the world may know a gentler time. We pray for the words of Christ to dwell in us and be part of us. Here in Wellington, we pray for +Justin our bishop and all parishes; for those who bring biscuits and those tending to all in need. We pray for the work of the mission, and events that inspire our faith. May we serve one another spreading God’s light a little further, ‘til darkness has no claim on our souls and we become agents of Christ’s light.

God of love, hear our prayer.

Sources: NRSV Bible; NZ Prayer Book; NEB Starr, original prayers.


Sunday 29 October


Sunday 15 October 2023