Live simply.

As we see in scripture, there are times in our lives when we might feel an invitation to pare back our lives in order to hear more closely from God. This might look like time alone, or a period of fasting from distractions.



Throughout the Bible, we see holy people fasting in order to focus more clearly on God’s will for their lives. Fasting can mean eating more simply for a time, or perhaps spending time away from things like technology.

Fasting: 24-7 Prayer resources

Spending time away from technology


“It’s harder for a camel to go through the eye of a needle”, said Jesus, than for a '“rich person to enter the kingdom of heaven.” (Matt. 19:24) What does it look like to pare back the things that might be distracting us from God’s purposes for our lives?

Practicing simplicity

Simplicity teaching from Renovare


As Jesus went into the wilderness to pray, sometimes we too are called to take time in silence and solitude to connect with God’s heart for us. Even if we are in lockdown, there may still be an invitation to retreat.

A Covid-19 retreat

Practicing silence and solitude