Venn Summer Conference 2024

The Venn Summer Conference is coming up on 5-12 January, 2024

The Christian faith calls us to live lives marked by wonder, imagination, deep thought, rich feeling, love, courage, and service. For more than a decade, Venn Summer Conference has been helping young adults explore this vision of God, ourselves, and the world, and how it affects all parts of life. This January, join 100 others in the beautiful Waikato for a week of rich teaching, kōrero, worship, prayer, good food and fun to see what God has to say about this world, this whenua, and our lives. Be immersed in world-class theological teaching, creative responses, local field trips, and group discussions as you come to see the truth, beauty, and challenge of the Christian life. Early bird prices close 31 October.

For more information and to register:


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