Pope Francis Warns of Climate Collapse

In an update to his 2015 pastoral letter Laudato Si, Pope Francis has expressed deep concern that world leaders have failed to do enough to address the issue of climate change in order to prevent recent environmental crises.

Released on 4 October to mark the completion of the worldwide Season of Creation, Laudate Deum provides a toolkit of resources, including videos, quotes and graphics, that can be used in church and small group settings.

“Eight years after Laudato Si… I have realised that our responses have not been adequate. While the world in which we live is collapsing and may be nearing the breaking point,” says Pope Francis.

Archbishop Justin Welby, the Archbishop of Canterbury and head of the global Anglican Church, expanded upon the spiritual aspects of the discussion and noted that “Laudate Deum” is a call “to every human being, from the mouth of the Pope, calling for a united humanity that will serve our suffering creation and heal the wounds of our world.”


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