EfM Mentor Training

1 pm, Friday 2 May– 5 pm, Saturday 3 May 2025

at Home of Compassion, 2 Rhine St, Island Bay, Wellington

EfM (Education for Ministry) is a program of study devised primarily for lay people (though ordained folks benefit from participating too!). It provides four years of study material at a tertiary level and in a learning environment where the reading and reflection undertaken by the individual members of the group is then reflected on together at weekly group meetings and applied to everyday life and ministry.

EfM is a way to continually deepen the journey with God in the company of a group which provides challenge support and co-learning opportunities. It has both academic rigour and a holistic, grounded way of applying that rigour to the realities of 21st-century life, living into what into means to be disciples of Christ in our particular time and context.

To support the life of EfM groups and provide for the possibility of new groups forming we need to have mentors who are trained in the skills needed to facilitate these co-learning groups.

A mentor is not an expert, or a tutor, but a co-learner with group members who have the added group skills to ensure that a safe, honest, non-judgmental learning environment is fostered.

If you think that you might have what it takes to be a mentor, and/or are interested in in stepping into the adventure that is EfM, fill in the registration form and come along to the training event in Wellington. (If the link doesn’t work on your browser try  www.efm.org.nz\events)

Those attending the training will be asked to complete a 2-hour online training module.  This gives basic information about EfM and asks about your skills in group leading so that training can be focused. Registrations close on 11 April 2025


Coming to the training does not commit you to being a mentor!   Come, taste, and see!

If you have questions or want more information email Educationforministrynz@outlook.com


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