Leadership Curriculum


Watch the introductory videos for each session of our Leadership Curriculum here, or on YouTube


Video 1: The Why

Bishop Justin introduces the video series that leadership huddles are using throughout the diocese, to enable consistent discussions about the leadership material we are exploring.

Video 2: Kairos Circle

Bishop Ellie takes us through the Kairos Circle, also called the Learning Circle, based on Chapter 6 of “Building a Discipling Culture” by Mike Breen and the 3dm team.

Video 3: Invitation Challenge Matrix

Archdeacon Gendy Thomson leads us through the Invitation Challenge Matrix, based on Chapter 2 of “Building a Discipling Culture,” by Mike Breen and the 3dm Team.


Video 4: Five Dysfunctions of a Team

Archdeacon Gendy Thomson leads us through a summary of “Five Dysfunctions of a Team,” by Patrick Lencioni.

Video 5: Covenant and Kingdom

Bishop Ellie leads us through the concepts of covenant and kingdom, based on the book “Covenant and Kingdom: The DNA of the Bible” by Mike Breen.

Video 6: Five Dysfunctions - Trust

Bishop Justin leads us through trust, the first of the “Five Dysfunctions of a Team,” by Patrick Lencioni. You can also watch Brené Brown’s TED Talk entitled “The Power of Vulnerability” on YouTube, or read her book “Daring Greatly: How the Courage to be Vulnerable Transforms the Way we Live, Love, Parent and Lead.”


Video 7a: Five Dysfunctions - Results (In, Out, Up)

Bishop Justin talks about the Results part of the triangle in Five Dysfunctions of a Team, and juxtaposes that against another triangle - the In, Out, Up triangle from 3dm.

Video 7b: Five Dysfunctions - Results (Triangle Temptation)

Bishop Ellie talks through the temptations of Christ in the wilderness - and how in our humanness, we can lean into God's love, or we can lean into our fears.

Video 8: Level 5 Leadership

In Good to Great, we hear about the different levels of leadership capability, and how a Level 5 leader should behave. Bishop Ellie takes us through the levels and describes what it takes to be a Level 5 leader.


Video 9: Leadership Square

Bishop Ellie describes how Jesus led His disciples through a process of learning to be leaders.

Video 10: First Who, Then What

Bishop Justin takes us through the "Good to Great" concept of "First Who, Then What:" people are not our greatest asset, the RIGHT people are our greatest asset.

Video 11: Karpman’s Drama Triangle

Bishop Justin describes the Karpman triangle, which characterises our brokenness in relational disputes - and how we can flip this into an empowerment triangle.


Video 12: Confronting the Brutal Facts

Bishop Justin tells us about the importance of having those conversations when we confront the brutal facts of our reality.

Video 13: The Hedgehog Concept

Bishop Justin tells us about the hedgehog concept - the idea of finding that one unique thing that you do best, and doing it.

Video 14: People of Peace

Bishop Ellie talks us through the People of Peace Octagon, from Building a Discipling Culture.