Get one. Give one. around the diocese
The Get One Give One campaign has been going for two months and has so far raised over $35,000. Parishes across the diocese have been getting inventive in finding ways to raise funds.
Training Day update
Now that we’ve had confirmation about the closure of the Australian travel border, we are still going ahead with having Bree as our keynote speaker. She is pre-recording her sessions for us but we hope to have her live for Q&A.
World Day against Trafficking in Persons
As the Olympics in Tokyo are unfolding millions of people across the world are watching and cheering, commiserating, and embracing the glittering spectacle of sights and sounds, gasping in wonder at extreme human effort, as for a short time athletes come together to compete for their respective countries. Just for a moment time is forgotten as peoples of all cultures and countries draw a collective breath willing on ‘their’ person/s in the race for gold.
Get One, Give One in the Jungle
From a remote swampy jungle in Papua New Guinea, Scott and Nikki Wheeler tell us about access to COVID-19 vaccines and the importance of the Get One. Give One. campaign.
Register your team for the Low Carbon Challenge
We want to reduce the harmful impact we have on the environment and the Low Carbon Challenge one of the ways we can help make this happen. The challenge runs from Training Day on July 31st through to November, and during that time there will be tons of support to help you reach your goal.
Missional Leadership with Rev. Bree Mills
Participating in the mission of God is all inclusive. We participate in the mission of God when we gather in our faith communities, and when we engage missionally in our local community. Between the training days, we are taking Rev. Bree Mills on a ‘roadshow’ to speak with Clergy, and with mission-hearted people.
Te Pā Pori - A home for more Wellingtonians
Exciting news! Forty-two manuhiri (visitors) have been welcomed into Te Pā Pori, Wellington City Mission’s newest supported transitional housing facility.
Farewell Archbishop Fereimi Cama
With our whole church in Aotearoa-New Zealand and Polynesia we grieve the passing, last Friday, of Archbishop Fereimi Cama and continue to hold his family, and our Fijian brothers and sisters, as a whole, in our prayers.
Bible Explore
When Strandz inherited the Connectible website from the Diocese of Dunedin in 2016 they were inspired to taken it even further. The Connectible (Connect+Bible) site provided resources that could be incorporated into a worship service that would make it more family friendly and holistic. The Strandz team created three years of lectionary-based material to Connectible but that wasn’t enough.
Low Carbon Challenge – the next step in our climate change response
Early this year, more than 800 of us had our say on advice that would shape the country’s response to climate change for the next 15 years. The Climate Change Commission has now released its final advice and their amendments show they have taken public views on board.
World Refugee Sunday and Resettling Refugees in Wellington
On World Refugee Sunday (4th July in the Anglican calendar) we celebrate the contribution refugees make to our world and our responsibility to always welcome the stranger.
Vaccination Superheroes
The people who get vaccines out to remote or difficult places are absolute superheroes. So our Café Church whānau decided to make a superhero cape.
Refugee Resettlement Volunteer – Madeleine’s Story
Just by virtue of where you live and the language you speak, what you know can be life changing for a refugee family. It doesn’t feel like you are doing much, but it makes a big difference. Anyone can do it! If you have ever been to the supermarket or caught a bus, you can help.
Te Wiki Tūao ā-Motu - National Volunteer Week
This week is National Volunteer Week. Volunteers are the lifeblood that makes our Movement what it is. Without you, we wouldn’t get very far!
The International Friendship Club, Victoria – award finalists
We are excited to announce that the International Friendship Club at Victoria University has been nominated for the Health and Wellbeing Category in the Wellington Airport Regional Community Awards 2021.
Lyall Bay Community Church turns 3
The Lyall Bay Community Church decided to have their first ever Sunday morning service on Pentecost Sunday: a symbolic act to remember the powerful way the Spirit of God moved, and the many people who believed. Also as a reminder of where our hope lies – Christ is building the church and can move in radical ways.
Short-term mission in a COVID world - is that even possible?
COVID-19 put a pretty abrupt stop to short term, cross-cultural missions around the world. An opportunity for churches and other groups to come together, build community and relationships in a unique way and serve our God in a different environment.
Serving Students at Milson School
The whānau at Milson Combined Church are fully behind the work that Milson School does in supporting kids and their families.
Café Church Celebrates their 1st Birthday
Lockdown gave a us all an opportunity to think differently about how we do church. Moving into Alert Level 2 presented even more challenges for our larger congregations about how we meet in person with the limitations that came with it. Café Church is one of the responses to that challenge, and they have just turned 1!
Get one. Give one.
The Get one. Give one. campaign, launched last week, encourages New Zealanders to contribute to a global initiative that funds vaccine equality in countries that may otherwise miss out. When you get your COVID-19 vaccine, give $10 so that one of the world’s most vulnerable can get theirs. Let’s pass our gratitude on. Because COVID-19 won’t be over until it’s over for everyone.