Wheelers update us from Papua New Guinea
Hello from Papua New Guinea! Thank you to those of you who have reached out to check on how we are doing since our last update. Things have been a bit up and down and challenging to navigate with COVID-19 since its arrival here in Kapuna.
Living a Transforming Life
Rev. Sarah McMenamin spoke in Fielding recently about why she marched in the hīkoi to establish Māori wards in Manawatū. Since the hikoi and preaching this message, the council changed their vote in favour of the new wards. Sarah talks on the importance of being transformational.
Refugee resettlement resumes
The years of work we have invested in welcoming our newest Kiwis hit an unexpected hiatus when our borders closed last year, but the Red Cross advises that resettlement of former refugees is about to resume – and we are looking for willing volunteers to help us lay down the welcome mat.
Shannon Kai Hub - Open for Business
“It felt like an impossible dream, but here we are, one year later!” Sharon Williams, and her colleagues dreamed big last year when lockdown hit the community in Shannon hard.
“The destruction is everywhere” Anglican hospital in Gaza seeks urgent help
Last Tuesday we brought you an update on Al Ahli Hospital and the situation in Gaza. Now more than ever they require our support. Al-Ahli is calling for help to fund medical supplies, essential medicines, and fuel to keep the generators operating. And Anglican Missions has launched an emergency appeal so we can help.
Thy Kingdom Come Stories
Find out some of the different ways we have approached Thy Kingdom Come across our movement and get some inspiration for next year!
Big Hearts – Budget 2021: Overseas aid stays flat
Last Thursday the Government announced Budget 2021. Our diocesan Advocacy Enabler, Kate Day, updates us on whether our calls for increased overseas aid was heeded. She told us: “This was the Government’s opportunity to stand with the world by raising overseas aid and climate finance for the next three years. Unfortunately, they did not.”
Morph 2021: Can we return to normal?
Rev. Dr Joe McGarry, who leads our Anglican Studies, together with Dr Andrew Shepherd from the University of Otago’s Centre for Theology and Public Issues, is co-organising this year’s Morph event. Many of you will remember previous Morph events as an evening of TED-style contributors presenting on topics of interest to our time. Joe tells us about the conviction that drives him to be a theologian in this season.
Thy Kingdom Comes to Wairarapa
What are you doing in your community for Thy Kingdom Come? Many of us are hosting regular rhythms of prayer and prayer vigils as we pray for our five friends or family members to come to know the amazing love of God. In Wairarapa, Thy Kingdom Come will conclude with an ecumenical service at Wairarapa College where all the churches in the Wairarapa will come together as one.
Al Ahli Hospital updates us on Gaza situation
The conflict in the Holy Land (Gaza), has been on many people’s minds these last couple of weeks. Anglican Missions have been checking in with their partners at Al Ahli Hospital in Gaza City who provide free medical care to the poorest of the poor, with a particular focus on refugees, women and children.
Colette is Ordained
Last Saturday afternoon, we gathered in Hadfield Hall, Ōtaki to celebrate the ordination of Colette Stevens as a Vocational Deacon.
Thy Kingdom Come is here!
Rev. Rebecca Apperley from the Cathedral’s Café Church community is looking forward to hosting intergenerational Zoom prayers during Thy Kingdom Come. Here’s what she has to say.
Māori wards in Manawatū: Church leaders march with hundreds
Manawatū iwi were hopeful for a voice at the Council table with the establishment of a Māori ward in time for the 2022 local election. But when Council voted against the move on the 6th of May, hundreds of Feilding locals - Māori and Pākehā alike - decided to march on Council offices. Joining the march was the town's Priest in Charge, Rev. Sarah McMenamin, and colleagues from our nearby churches in Palmerston North, Rev. Andy Hickman and Rev. Amy Houben.
The family kaupapa: ministry leaders gather for refreshing, renewing
Have you ever seen those inspirational wall decals that say things like "in this house, we do family, we do fun, we do laughter, we do hugs..." They remind the family who dwells therein of the values and kaupapa of the house. This weekend (7-9 May), our ministry leaders and their families spent 48 hours being refreshed and renewed at El Rancho Camp, and we could practically write a diocesan decal based on the experience.
What is it with this time of year? A look at Seasonal Affective Disorder
As winter comes closer we’re seeing less sunshine and light in our days. It’ll be the shortest day (June 21st) before our darker mornings and nights gradually start to get lighter. It can seem like a long wait.
Have you ever noticed that every year there are some seasons that negatively affect your mood, or the mood of someone you know?
Prayers heard and answered: a Good News story
It can seem hard to know whether our prayers for others are heard, or even answered. Yet despite the sporadic nature of our prayer life, we can know that God hears and responds, as we see in this story from Rev. Ana Fletcher, from St Peter’s Anglican Church in Gonville, Whanganui.
Cathedral whānau hosts state memorial
Dominating the intersection that overlooks our Parliamentary buildings, Wellington Cathedral of St Paul was built to be a cathedral for the nation. Now overlooking the most secular city in the country, it was still here in our Cathedral that the nation farewelled our Queen's loyal and loving husband - and behind the ceremony was the hard work and long hours of Richard, Katie, David, Pixie, Michael, and our whole Cathedral whānau.
Cultural and faith narratives can help Commission find answers
Dr Andrew Shepherd is a lecturer in theology and public issues at University of Otago, with his office based at the Anglican Centre. He wrote for the Otago Daily Times recently, asking what moral frameworks should be used to shape our future economic models and practices as we grapple with climate change.