Anglican Movement

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You’ve Helped Raise $200,000!

We are celebrating (with a Common Good Coffee of course)! Our coffee drinking has contributed to raising over $200,000 for Joyya; sparking good in places of extreme poverty and modern slavery. 

Our Movement has been a loyal advocate for Common Good Coffee from the beginning: we brew it at home; drink it at Dio events and church services; champion it in workplaces; and offer support behind the scenes. 

We are OVERJOYED to share Joyya’s 2023 Impact Report. You will see the good that has been made possible because of our collective choice to consume Common Good Coffee. 

Our friends at Joyya use the phrase “spark good” a lot. Support from partners and champions like us helps provide opportunities, a "spark", for someone to change something in their life. But real change happens when people grab these opportunities with both hands, transforming their own lives and their wider community.  

There are so many beautiful stories of hope and transformation in the Impact Report. As you read, we hope that you will be inspired and encouraged about the difference that we are able to make together. 

If you think your parish or workplace might consider changing to Common Good Coffee and add to the impact of Joyya visit Common Good Coffee’s website or email 

You can keep up to date with Common Good Coffee on Facebook or Instagram