What a year: Thanks from Anglican Missions
Rev. Michael Hartfield is the National Director of Anglican Missions, and is a deacon in our Island Bay Parish whānau. He writes here on behalf of Anglican Missions to express their thanks for our support in 2020.
Tēnā koe, e hoa
Rev. Michael Hartfield, National Director, Anglican Mission
While the world has changed dramatically this year and may never be quite the same again, God’s mission remains as it has always been. Author and theologian Michael Goheen says “Mission is what we are all called to do, wherever we are. It is showing God’s love in our words and in our actions; bringing our world closer to the reality of God’s Kingdom and proclaiming Jesus Christ as King”.
Thank you to all the parishes across the Diocese of Wellington for your prayers and your financial support this past year. The response to the joint appeal launched by Anglican Movement and Anglican Missions in response to Covid-19 was very significant and exceeded our expectations. Thank you too for being part of our 2020 journey which has, in spite of Covid-related restrictions, been full of highlights including: enhanced on-line presence and output; new fit for purpose procedures around how we manage and monitor the projects we support; joining the Council for International Development; several appeals that were really well supported; a new internship programme and of course our new earthquake-strengthened office space.
Our Strategic Plan, Te Ara Hou or “a fresh wind, a new breath” has three parts that guide all that we do and are. They are:
Mission Action or what we do and where we do it. It is focused on Anglican Missions being the CATALYST for mission where we raise and allocate funding according to the 5 Marks of Mission.
Mission Together or who we do mission with, is about Anglican Missions being the COORDINATOR for mission through facilitating collaborative and joined-up approaches to mission activities.
Mission Profile is focused on Anglican Missions being a CHAMPION for mission through telling good stories.
We have a great team and we are excited about how we can deliver against the three ‘C’s above! We have so much planned for 2021 so please watch this space!
I want to take this opportunity to thank the Rev. Guy Benton for being our ‘go to’ person in the diocese for all things related to overseas mission. Please get in touch with Guy (who is the Diocesan representative on the Overseas Mission – Tikanga Pakeha group) or our Office (see website for contact details) if there is any way that we can support you in strengthening an awareness of and a commitment to overseas mission in your parish.
Nāku iti noa, nā
Rev. Michael Hartfield - National Director