New Prayer and Lectionary Resources

We’re excited to bring you two new resources that we think are pretty cool. is a cut-down digital-friendly version of The Lectionary Te Maramataka (available on the General Synod website) made with aroha in Wellington by Isabel Anastasiadis & Isaac Minogue.

It’s a simple tool that give you the days morning and evening readings from our lectionary in an easy to access format. As well as being able to read the readings, you can listen to them too.

Tuia is a new prayer app - tui, tui, tuituia mātou (weave, weave, weave us together). Tuia gathers people in prayer and reminds us that though we may be scattered (distant physically) we are one in prayer. For this purpose, the main features of Tuia are based around the Daily Prayers page, which weaves together daily devotions, with personal and shared prayer lists, and social justice content. On days where the church remembers saints/martyrs/legends of the church additional content (sourced primarily from For All the Saints) is inserted. The app has a number of future plans for development, including adding more translations. This app is provided free of charge by the Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia.

Tuia is available on the App Store and Google Play.


Reflecting on Supervision


Well done good and faithful servant, Chris