Leading your Church into Growth Conference Returns

We’re excited to offer Leading your Church into Growth (LyCiG) training to parish teams this July.

Whether you have previously attended LyCiG or you are seeking fresh insights on how to grow your congregation, this conference is an opportunity not to be missed. ​ Parish leaders are encouraged to gather their teams and choose the hui that best suits their schedules. ​ While it is recommended to attend together, teams can also split their attendance between the two conferences. ​

With a rich history of 25 years, LyCiG has been instrumental in empowering church leaders and congregations to grow both numerically and spiritually. ​ This year, Wellington Diocese is thrilled to welcome back Rev Harry Steele from LyCiG UK for not one, but two hui. Either ​ 25-26 July or 27-28 July at El Rancho Conference Centre, Waikanae.

Many parishes throughout the diocese have experienced encouraging signs of growth since attending LyCiG and making the changes it recommends.

During the two-day event, participants will delve into LyCiG content, whether as a refresher or for the first time. ​ Rev Harry Steele (Chaplain to the Bishop of Sheffield, UK and LyCiG UK lead) will be joined by local speakers who have successfully implemented LyCiG in their own spaces, providing valuable local context. ​

Speakers include Rev Cath Growcott, Vicar of St Barnabas, Roseneath; Rev Stephen King, Co-Vicar at St Peters on Willis and Gendy Thomson, Archdeacon for Mission and Ministry, Diocese of Wellington

Registration for the conference is now open. Sign up at bit.ly/3R19BH1 by 10 July. ​ The subsidised cost for attendance is $100 per person, which includes one night's accommodation in a shared room, two lunches, and one dinner. ​ Payments can be made via internet banking using the provided account details. ​

The conference will cover a range of topics, including creating a prayerful culture of growth, fruitful evangelism, engaging worship, becoming an inviting and welcoming church, and making pathways for seekers to become disciples. ​ Additionally, the power of a highly committed discipleship core will be explored, with inspiring stories shared on how LyCiG has enabled growth in the Wellington Diocese. ​

For more information on LyCiG and its mission, visit www.leadingyourchurchintogrowth.org.uk. ​ If you have any questions or inquiries, please reach out to Rev Stephen King at stephen@stpetersonwillis.org.nz. ​

Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to be part of the LyCiG conference in Waikanae. Register today and join parish leaders and congregations from across the region as they come together to learn, grow, and lead their churches into a future of growth and spiritual abundance.

Here’s the sign up link again:



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