Interfaith Climate Change Statement Presented to Government
Last Tuesday, we joined with our brothers and sisters in faith to formally present a Climate Change Statement to the Minister for the Climate Change, Hon. James Shaw.
Photo credit: Iris Lee
Bishop Ellie says:
“It was a privilege to stand with our brothers and sisters from across faiths to present this statement to Minister James Shaw. The climate crisis requires us to transcend differences and speak as one. Please pray for Minister Shaw - and all those involved in COP26 – for courage to make bold decisions for real and lasting change.”
Earlier in the year, the Religious Diversity Center Aotearoa New Zealand brought together a group of people from different faith traditions, who are well versed in the issues of climate change, to advise how the religious communities might together encourage our Government to take to COP26 the strongest possible commitment to effective action in the face of the climate crisis.
This resulted in “A Statement to the Government on the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) to the Paris Agreement for COP26 in Glasgow, Scotland in November 2021 from Religious Leaders and Interfaith Groups of Aotearoa New Zealand” which has been endorsed by many of the religious leaders in Aotearoa. Here is an excerpt from the statement:
“As people of faith seeking to respond to this challenge we draw comfort and insight from the rich traditions and teachings of the many religious communities now present in Aotearoa New Zealand. From each we see powerful invocations for all to care deeply for the natural world alongside caring for all of humanity. Many of the world's religions, including Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, Sikhism and Baha’i have urged the need for environmental protection and conservation. Key to religious teaching is the understanding that sustainable and harmonious relationships between all of humanity and nature is not merely an abstract ideal but rather a comprehensive guide for living justly and walking gently upon the earth.
We are mindful also that our religious traditions have much in common with understandings central to Te Ao Māori. We acknowledge respectfully that through the teachings of traditional karakia the natural world is understood to be of sacred importance; that through the invocation of whakapapa comes the understanding that everything and everyone within Te Ao Whānui is interconnected and that through the shared responsibility of kaitiakitanga we accept that it is the duty of all humankind to care for the oceans and the earth and all who dwell therein.”
Over the course of COP26, we are invited to join in Karakia for our Climate, from 31st October - 12th November for a series of online and in-person vigils.