Identity and Belonging for Those Who are Different

How might the church support connection and belonging to people from immigrant backgrounds?

That’s the focus of Rev. Jimmy Luey’s workshop at Kairos Training Day in Whanganui this Sunday.

His research has looked at the experience of Chinese in Aotearoa New Zealand. The original title of the research paper is “Forever foreigners” or the oikos (household) of God? How does Ephesians 2 inform a Christian response to the Chinese experience of belonging in Aotearoa New Zealand.

Jimmy says, “The workshop is based on the Practical Theology research method of The Pastoral Cycle and uses the experience of Chinese in Aotearoa New Zealand as an example.

“People from an immigrant community or others who feel excluded from the majority of New Zealanders may find this workshop helpful.”

“We’ll consider the experience of minority groups, provide analysis and theological reflection and finish with possible actions,” says Jimmy.


Identity and Belonging for Those Who are different, presented by Rev Jimmy Luey is on at 2:35 at Whanganui Kairos Training Day.


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