Anglican Movement

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"We Believe We Can Still Grow."

St. Peters Church in Whanganui is using the lockdown period as an opportunity for growth within their community. Reverend Paul Fletcher, who leads the church with his wife Ana, said that they approached this time by questioning how they could creatively disciple the people in their community, as well as develop the skills of potential leaders.

They have carried this out by adding extra elements to their weekly community rhythms. After tuning into the Diocese’s Sunday streamed services, the church of 40 breaks into groups of 10 to reflect and discuss that week’s content. Some of these small groups are facilitated by new leaders, who have also been given the responsibility of regularly checking in with a handful of people from the community who may be vulnerable.

“Through the week, different leaders have got a list of people that they check in with,” said Paul. A cherished characteristic of St. Peters is the melting-pot of people who call it home: “It’s a diverse group of people who you would not expect to share the same room with in any other setting.” Fletcher feels as though the rhythms they’ve carved out have been received well, and are strongly appreciated by their community. “It feels like church. It’s not your normal everyday, so it feels sacred,” he said. “We’re doing this because we believe we can still grow through this whole thing.”

By Tessa Guest