Anglican Movement

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Add Your Voice to the Don’t Subsidize Pollution Campaign 

Here’s a great opportunity to make a real impact on reducing pollution in Aotearoa and speed up the transition to a greener economy.  

Right now, the government is consulting on its emissions reduction plan that lays out their approach to reduce climate pollution in New Zealand during the period 2026 – 2030. 

We are mobilising now in collaboration with other dioceses around New Zealand and Common Grace Aotearoa to make our voices heard.  

Responding to climate change is one of our Synod priorities.  

In 2021, our diocese was responsible for hundreds of submissions on the previous government’s emissions reduction plan.  

In 2024, let’s do more. Make personal invitations to those around you and activate every group and gathering you are a part of. You can invite your workplace, small group, sport team, youth group to be part of this. You can put this on your social media, family WhatsApp group or any other channel.  

+Justin call to action 

Here is a video of +Justin calling us to get involved in this important work.  

Feel free to send this to your church in the e-news or show it during a service. You can download a copy if required. 

Join the Webinar (tonight) 

Join an online webinar from 7:30-8:30pm, on how to gather submissions in your church. The zoom link will be sent to you when you register at the button below. 

The government's draft climate plan acknowledges that continuing to subsidise pollution through the handout of free carbon credits to big polluters is undermining our chance to meet our climate targets, but the plan in its current form doesn't propose to change the status quo. 
If enough of us call for a plan to end free carbon credits to be added in through this submission process, we can solidify this issue as a key climate policy that the government can't ignore. 

The website contains all the information you need to know to learn about the issue and to make a submission.  

Many churches will mobilise ‘Mission for Submissions’ gatherings on Sunday 11th August, but you can run your Mission for Submissions in any number of gatherings or groups between now and the 20th of August. 

We don’t have much time.  

Please spread the word and most importantly, make a submission.