A New Life in Manila

An Update from Rev Paul McIntosh

In January, we moved to Manila for Catherine’s appointment as New Zealand’s Ambassador to the Philippines.

Photo courtesy of the Philippine Presidential Communications Office

Accompanying Catherine, to Malacanang Palace to meet President Marcos Jr during her official transformation into an Ambassador was a wonderful experience. She wore a contemporary kāhaku huruhuru (feathered Māori cloak). You can watch the ceremony highlights here https://youtu.be/IaWGRTsdYX8 .

In one of those moments where Catherine and my roles intersect, it was incredibly special to host Tikanga Māori Archbishop Don Tamihere and his delegation at the Official Residence, together with the Prime Bishop of the Philippines and other indigenous representatives of the Philippine Episcopal Church for a discussion around indigenous spirituality. It was fascinating to hear they still remembered a visit from Bishop Kito to the North of the Philippines decades ago.

So, what am I up to? Firstly, I look after Naomi (11yrs) and Charlotte (7yrs) who attend an international school, where they have learned how to play football in 37-degree heat!

The local Bishop has also licensed me to serve in our local parish of Holy Trinity, where I have learned how to swing incense! We have felt the Lord’s hand in guiding us here. At church, we met a Filipino who had been praying for months with a group for God to bring a priest to the church who had studied at St Mellitus Theological College (London). Guess what? That’s where I did my training! So we wait to see what God is up to.

Already, it has been great to help run Youth Alpha and host the Holy Spirit day away at the New Zealand Official Residence (where we live!). 

There’s a hunger to grow and try new things to reach a younger generation, so I look forward to planting a new contemporary service and continuing to share lessons from our Diocese of Wellington. I am also engaging remotely in postgraduate study through Bethlehem Tertiary Institute in Responding to Trauma. This is a topic I’m passionate about seeing the Church equipped in.

As a family, we are getting behind Catherine to represent Aotearoa New Zealand. We all got to meet Rt Hon Winston Peters when he visited in June. Naomi, Charlotte and I recently accompanied Catherine and the Embassy to launch the Philippines’ first community-owned soft plastic recycling centre, together with urban poor leaders. The project creates new green jobs and reduces pollution in what has been dubbed one of the world’s most plastic-polluted rivers. You can watch the reel here: https://fb.watch/uLV68X6ZVH/ 

 If you are visiting the Philippines, we’d love to hear from you! (pbmcintosh@gmail.com)


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