A Journey of Faith and Belonging

- an interview with Nick Young

Nick Young shares his exploration of faith and identity and offers valuable insights that resonate on a personal and spiritual level.

Here are some of the key points that emerged from his korero:

1. Unveiling a Hidden Heritage: The Power of Belonging

Nick's life took a significant turn when he discovered his Maori and Chinese heritage later in life. This revelation ignited a journey of self-discovery, filling a void he hadn't even recognized. He describes the experience as being "welcomed with open arms" by both sides of his family, a powerful metaphor for the sense of belonging he’d now found. This connection to whakapapa enriched his understanding of who he was and where he came from.

2. Mirrored Welcome: Jesus' Open Arms

Nick draws a beautiful parallel between the welcoming embrace of his newfound family and the welcoming nature of Jesus. He emphasizes the unconditional acceptance Jesus offers, regardless of one's background or past. This resonates with the universal human desire to belong, a core need that Jesus fulfils for those who seek him. Nick's experience highlights the transformative power of finding a community that accepts you for who you are, both within a faith community and through whakapapa belonging.

3. Abiding: A Discipline of Growth

The concept of "abiding" emerges as a central theme in Nick's journey. He describes it as staying connected to Jesus, a practice that fosters spiritual growth and understanding. Nick emphasizes the importance of humility in this process. Coming into a new cultural environment later in life, he acknowledges the need to be a learner, to listen and absorb. This posture of humility creates a space for him to grow in his faith and deepen his connection with Jesus.

4. Journey as Metaphor: Finding Jesus Throughout

Nick's physical journey of reconnecting with his whakapapa becomes a powerful metaphor for his spiritual walk. He highlights the parallels between connecting with his Māori identity and seeking a deeper connection with Jesus. Both journeys involve discovery, learning, and a sense of homecoming. This perspective encourages us to see our own life experiences as part of a larger spiritual narrative, where Jesus is ever-present, guiding and shaping our path.

5. Communion: A Reminder of Commitment

Nick concludes by reflecting on the practice of communion. For him, it serves as a potent symbol of Jesus' sacrifice and the ongoing commitment required to follow him. The bread represents the sustenance we receive from Jesus, while the wine symbolizes the hardships and challenges we encounter on our spiritual journey. By participating in communion, we reaffirm our dedication to abiding in Christ and facing life's difficulties with his strength. Nick's interpretation brings a gritty perspective to this familiar practice, inviting us to view it as a constant reminder of our vows to Jesus.

Nick's korero offers a compelling message for us.

Our journeys of self-discovery, our search for belonging, and the challenges we face along the way can all be seen as opportunities to deepen our connection with Jesus. By embracing the practice of "abiding," finding parallels between our experiences and Jesus' teachings, and actively participating in the rhythms of faith, we can continue to grow and deepen a life with Jesus.

Suggested Actions:

  • Reflect on your own whakapapa and how it shapes your identity.

  • Consider how Jesus welcomes you and offers a sense of belonging.

  • Practice "abiding" - spend time in prayer, reflection, and learning about your faith.

  • Look for God's presence in your life's journey.

  • Find deeper meaning in the practice of communion.


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