TD Whanganui Session 1 Richard Apperley TD Whanganui Session 1 Richard Apperley

The realities of Christian leadership

When we start out in leadership some of us are allured by platform or influence, but in time we realise that the call is actually to die with Christ so others might live. In this workshop we explore the challenges of godly leadership, and how to persevere in the midst of it.

Presenter: Paul Fletcher
Workshop room: Whanganui Learning Centre

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TD Whanganui Session 1 David Cross TD Whanganui Session 1 David Cross

The Eucharist - Part 2

Celebrating the Eucharist; What are we doing, how might we do it differently? This is for anyone who has the responsibility of leading a Eucharistic Celebration. (Whether you are consecrating or using pre-consecrated elements) We will try and answer How to, What to and When to questions.

Presenter: Stephen King
Workshop room: Church

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