Church, • 27/03/2024 Mapping Our Reality & Charting a Course We are living in a new world to which there is no return to the old. As a church, we are to learn how to flourish in this place of wilderness. Previous Hearing Jesus & Finding Fruit You Might Also Like Hearing from Jesus and Finding Fruit - Bishop Justin Duckworth Leadership Huddle video 4: Five Dysfunctions of a Team (Archdeacon Gendy Thomson) Trust | Anglican Movement | Bishop Justin Duckworth Lent week one - Rev Kath Bier The Urgency of Discipleship: Bishop Justin Duckworth on Matthew 28 and Harvesting the Faith
Church, • 27/03/2024 Mapping Our Reality & Charting a Course We are living in a new world to which there is no return to the old. As a church, we are to learn how to flourish in this place of wilderness. Previous Hearing Jesus & Finding Fruit You Might Also Like Hearing from Jesus and Finding Fruit - Bishop Justin Duckworth Leadership Huddle video 4: Five Dysfunctions of a Team (Archdeacon Gendy Thomson) Trust | Anglican Movement | Bishop Justin Duckworth Lent week one - Rev Kath Bier The Urgency of Discipleship: Bishop Justin Duckworth on Matthew 28 and Harvesting the Faith